I dont need your closure

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Emilie P.o.V.

I woke up cuddled up between the two grown ups, both of them had their arms wrapped around me. 
Yesterday evening had been eventful. First I was forced to meet the man who was my birth dad and the mean lady wanted me to leave with him. 
Once we got home I was in hysterics. Clinging to either one of my parents, not daring to let go, scared they'd slip away and I'd be alone again, I held onto whoever was closest.
The two had tried everything to calm me down but nothing worked so in the end they decided to let me sleep with them. 
Mommy had held me close to her chest, stroking my back and my hair, while Joe had pulled both of us into his arms. Holding both of us close, as if not to only calm me down but also mommy and himself. 
At some point I must have fallen asleep in both their arms, where I woke up now. I was laying all over my mommy who was laying on her back, some of her blonde locks all over the pillow. Joe was sleeping on his side, his left arm dropped around me and as a result mommy. 
I closed my eyes again and cuddled a little deeper into mommy's chest. She started to move a little and I felt her hand stroke through my hair. Her other hand started to gently stroke my back.
Opening my eyes again, I looked back up at her. "Hey mommy." I mumbled. "Hey baby." She mumbled back, her eyes were half closed, but a little smile danced around her lips. "How are you feeling today?" She asked as she gently stroked my hair, before pressing a kiss on my hair. "I'm okay." I laid my head down on her shoulder and closed my eyes again. "I'm glad. And everything's gonna be okay. We'll make sure of it." 
"She's right. Your mommy and I will take care of it." Joe whispered next to us. I turned my head a little and smiled at him. He smiled back at me, before stroking over my hair.
I stayed curled up in between the two, all three of us were just silently laying in bed. Mommy was drawing circles on my bed. 
"Do you girls want me to make breakfast?" Joe asked and I nodded into mommy's shoulder. "That'd be nice." Mommy answered for me and I felt Joe getting up. Before leaving the room he leaned over to give mommy a kiss and pressed a kiss on my head. 
"Hey, sweetheart. Can you look up at me?" I moved a little from her to sit up. "Okay, my sweet girl. Can I ask you a question?" I nodded again, fully sitting up and putting my hands on her shoulders. "You know how you called Joe daddy yesterday?" I froze a little, vaguely remembering that I had called out to Joe as Daddy when I started to freak out. "Deep breath Emi. It's okay. I'm not mad and Joe isn't either." Mommy said and took my hand into hers, allowing me to draw circles on the palm of her hand. "I'm only bringing it up, because I want to know how you feel about this and if you maybe don't feel like you want to call him dad, but were stressed. Whatever you feel about this is okay, we just need to talk about it." I looked up at her and tried to move closer to her. "I dunno. He is like my daddy, but he isn't really my daddy and then my real dad wanted me to leave with him and I was scared and in my books the daddy's always protect their kids. I really don't wanna leave." She smiled and gave me a small nod. "That's true mommies and daddies always protect their babies. And I know for a fact that Joe wants to protect you and keep you safe just like I do. He loves you so much." I smiled a little and leaned into her. "Do you want to call him dad?" I shrugged a little, as much as my heart wanted to say yes my brain was telling me all the reasons why Joe would hate me calling him daddy, and how he would leave me and mommy, which would make her sad and mad at me. "Words Emi." She said, giving me an encouraging smile. "I don't know my heart and brain are fighting." Mommy pulled me close and I closed my eyes enjoying her warmth. 
"It's a pretty hard decision with a lot of emotions involved isn't it?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around her neck. "How about the two of us talk to Joe? You tell him what your heart feels and what your head is saying. Then he can tell you his opinion and you two can decide together." That sounded like a good plan. If I was really careful maybe he wouldn't get mad or at least not get mad at my mommy. 
Mommy helped me climb out of the bed and down the stairs, where Joe was frying some eggs. "Hey my pretty girls. Breakfast is almost ready." "Thanks my love." Mommy looked at me and gave me an encouraging smile. 
"Joe, I have a question." I told him, while I climbed onto the stool. He turned around to look at me. I noticed him looking over at Mommy. "Of course. You can ask me anything." 
I took deep breath. "But it's really difficult and my brain and my head are fighting and I really don't know what's right." He nodded and let me continue. "My heart really wants to call you daddy, because you are like the daddies in my books and in the movies. You always keep me safe and you protect me." I took another deep breath, but looked at him and he nodded. His face didn't seem mad at all he was smiling a little. "But my head really doesn't think I should call you daddy, it's telling me that you aren't really my daddy and you didn't decide to take me in like mommy. You just loved mommy and now you have to deal with me too." The tears were starting to form in my eyes, and I felt mommy wrap her hands around my body from behind, pulling me close to her chest and rocking me from side to side. 
Looking at Joe he looked shocked, like I said something really bad. "Emilie baby. That's not at all how I'm feeling." He moved closer to me and grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze. "I fell in love with you mommy that's true and loving her is one of the best things that ever happened to me." He looked up at mommy giving her a smile and those heart eyes, as uncle Austin had called them. "But seeing you grow up and being a part of your life is something I'll always treasure. I love nothing more than being with you and your mommy." I nodded a little, the tiny voice in my head getting quieter with every sentence he spoke. Maybe he really loved me and mommy. "So does that mean you are my daddy?" I quietly asked him to play with my hands. "If that's what you want me to be. I will be Joe or daddy or papa. Whatever you want me to be and call me." I smiled, as I took his hand. "Okay daddy. Can we have breakfast now?" He smiled and nodded. "Of course we can, love." Daddy started to set our breakfast down on the table. He had fried eggs and toasted some bread. Mommy put a glass of juice next to my plate. "Thank you." 
The three of us ate together in comfortable silence. Then mommy got a phone call. She furrowed her eyebrows and got up. "One second you guys continue eating." I looked at Daddy but he just shrugged and gave me a soft smile. "Maybe it's your grandma who wants to know what to make for Christmas dinner." "Maybe." I mumbled thinking that if it was grandma mommy wouldn't have made such a weird face.
We were already cleaning up the kitchen, when she came back. She looked worried, her eyebrows furrowed and she was biting her lip as if she was trying to figure something out. She continued to eat her meal, before she put the plate in the dishwasher and turned around to me. 
"Hey Emi. We need to have a talk." She sat down on the couch and patted the space next to her, indicating for me to sit next to her. "The phone call I just got was from the mommy and daddy of your birth mom." "So kinda my birth grandparents?" She smiled a small smile and nodded. "They got my number from the case worker and they really want to meet you." I shrugged. I really didn't want to meet new people, yesterday had been crazy and meeting two more people like that would be horrible. "I told them it's your decision and that I'm not gonna force you to see them." She continued. 
"Why do they want to see me?" I asked her, leaning against her side. She thought for a little while before answering. "They loved your mommy very much and from what I was told she had a really bad fight with them, before she went away. They never saw her again and never knew about you. And now they want to meet you since they'll never be able to see her again." I nodded a little. "When do they want to meet?" "Tomrrow afternoon. We can choose where we meet, so they could come here." She explained and I nodded. "Okay." 
"Okay?" She asked and I nodded. "I want to meet them. But here and with you and daddy. And only for a few hours, maybe for teatime." She smiled a little, since I clearly had spend a lot of time with daddy to pick up tea time as my way to meet new people. "Okay sweet girl. I'll give them a call. How about you finish up your school work and afterwards we can watch a movie or something similar. "Can Gigi and Bella come? They are in town right?" She smiled. "Yes they are. If you want we can give them a call." I nodded yes and watched as she pulled her phone out. Listening to the dialing tone on her phone, before Gigi's voice rang through the speaker. "Hey dude, what's up?" I giggled and moved closer to the phone. "Hey Gigi." The woman on the other end gasped. "Is that my favorite five-year-old?" I giggled, before answering. "Yeah. Mommy and I were wondering, maybe daddy is wondering too wait I'll ask him." I turned around. "Daddy, do you mind Gigi and Bella coming over today?" He looked up and smiled. "No darling I don't mind." I turned back to the phone and mommy. "Okay mommy, daddy and I are wondering if you and Bella would like to come over today." I heard Gigi laughing on the other end of the line and mommy was hiding a smile behind her hand. "I would love to come over today. I'll ask Bella. One second. She's currently having her picture taken and she has to pose, but I think she takes a break in a second." "Does she wear pretty clothes?" I asked. "Yes she does, we both are." I smiled imagining the two sisters in really pretty clothes, maybe princess dresses. "Like princess dresses?" She chuckled. "No, not exactly. But really pretty clothes for big girls." "Can I wear them too?" Before mommy or Gigi could answer, daddy answered. "No love. You'll never wear those clothes." I pouted looking up at him. "But I'm a big girl." This time Gigi answered. "Well you are not big enough for these clothes. Maybe when you are all grown up, I can take you shopping." Hearing daddy protest in the background she giggled. "At least if your daddy let's me. And until then we'll dress you in pretty princess dresses, what do you think?" "Yeah." I agreed, making mommy smile. 
"Bella is coming over, one second." I heard hushed whispers on the other side and then I heard two voices. "Hey Bean. Gigi said that you want to know if we can come over today." "Bella." I exclaimed happily. "Emilie." I heard her say, before I started to giggle. She was laughing too, making me smile. 
"Well to answer your question. We can come over later, as soon as we finish up here. Maybe we can bring something for lunch. If that works with you guys." I heard the older of the two say. "Yeah that works for us." Mommy answered. 
I listened as the three continued talking, before mommy hung up the phone. "Well I guess that means that you little miss need to do your school work." I nodded and jumped up. "Okay." Running up the stairs to the yellow school room. I picked out the books I needed for the day and started to work through my school work. The topic of the week had been mostly about outer space, so that was really interesting. 
As I was cleaning the desk and putting my school stuff away, I heard the doorbell ring. Then I heard people talking so I pushed my math book onto the shelf and ran downstairs. "Bella. Gigi." I yelled as I saw the two sisters. "Bean." The brunette responded and picked me up, twirling me around before setting me down again. "Hey darling." Gigi said and pulled me into a hug. "Gigi." I wrapped my arms around her and held onto her. 
"We brought some food." She held up food from the restaurant down the street. I smiled as I took Bellas hand and pulled her towards the kitchen. "Daddy. Look Bella and Gigi are here." He turned around from where he was setting the table. "Hey you guys." He walked over to us and gave both of them a hug. "Hey Joe." Gigi greeted him, while I had already pulled Bella onto the couch. "Your sister said you wore really pretty clothes, can I see what you wore?" She chuckled, but shook her head. "No darling, I don't think you're old enough yet and that your parents would appreciate that very much." I pouted. "Why? I like pretty clothes." She just smiled at me, while I climbed onto her lap. "I missed you. I haven't seen you and Gigi in forever." The older of the two sisters sat down next to us, laughing. "We saw each other about a week ago, at your mom's birthday party." I just leaned into her, feeling way clingier than usual. "You little cuddle monster." Bella just wrapped her arms around me and swayed us from side to side. 
I felt a hand gently drawing circles on my back. "We could eat lunch, if you'd be ready to take a break from cuddling." I turned my head so I could look in the mommy's face. "But I don't wanna eat. I want cuddles." I heard the grown ups laugh as I hid my face back in Bellas shoulder. "How about we eat lunch, because I am really hungry. And afterwards we can watch a movie or a show and cuddle again, what do you think?" I thought about it and looked at Gigi. "Can you do my hair afterwards too?" She chuckled and nodded. "Of course Emi." I moved to sit next to Bella on the couch, so she could get up. She held her hand out and I grabbed it. Together we had lunch. The two sisters had brought sandwiches and salads and to my great excitement different kinds of muffins as a dessert. I picked up a cheese sandwich and took a bite out of it, watching the grown ups while munching the sandwich and swinging my legs back and forth. They were talking about something I didn't understand so I just watched them. 
"Hey Bean, are you okay?" I looked at the brunette. "Am tired." She gave me a smile. "As soon as we finish eating we can cuddle and you can take a little nap. What do you think?" I nodded and gave her a smile. "Yeah I want lots of cuddles." The older girl next to me smiled. Mommy and the others had listened in but continued to talk amongst each other. Bella was still looking at me. "You know I'm really excited for one of the Blueberry and White Chocolate Muffins. Those are my favorite." "Really, I never had one of those." "You totally have to try one." "I like triple chocolate the best." I told her and pointed to the muffin, she smiled. "How about I try half of yours and you try half of mine?" "Yeah. Can we have them now?" I kind of expected mommy to say something, but Bella answered before she could. "No honey. I think you need to finish your sandwich first." 
I looked at mommy, who just watched us but nodded when she saw me looking at her. "Kay." As fast as I could I finished my sandwich, so I could finally have a muffin. "Can we have muffins now, please?" I asked the grown ups. 
Mommy looked up, but before she answered, Daddy did. "How about you wait until everybody is finished?" "But Daddy. I wanna have a muffin." He just shook his head. "No Emi. It's not okay to have dessert, when not everyone is finished with the main course." "Mommy." I whined, but she gave me a smile and shook her head. "No, your daddy is right." I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted, but waited for the others to finish. Which took forever. Mommy was eating really slow and waiting for her tool forever. "Can we have the muffins now?" She nodded. "Yeah we can." 
I moved closer to Bella, while Daddy got up and got the muffins. "Here you go princess." He handed me the muffin I had eyed the entire time, while handing the other muffins out. Bella took a knife and cut a part of her muffin. "Here you go Bean." I pushed my muffin towards her, so she could cut a part out. I tried the piece of her muffin first. "It's really good." She smiled as she took a bite out of the muffin piece from my muffin. "I like yours too. The different chocolates are really good together." I smiled at her, just as I was taking another bite out of my muffin. I noticed mommy wasn't eating her muffin, maybe she didn't like the Strawberry one. "Mommy don't you like yours? If you want you can try mine." She looked up and gave me a smile. "No, it's okay, pretty girl. I'm just not that hungry right now." How could she not want a muffin, I furrowed my brows but kept quiet and nibbled on my muffin. Once all of us were finished I convinced Bella to move back to the couch with me. Where I cuddled into her and hid my face. 
I didn't notice that mommy, daddy and Gigi had sat down on the couch next to us. Bella was drawing circles on my back. "Are you sure you are okay?" The woman asked but I just nodded into her. She sighed but didn't ask more questions. Since I stopped talking she started to talk with the other grown ups, but she didn't stop to hold me, swaying us from side to side. I didn't know how long I was curled up in her arms before I fully closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

Her sweet girlWhere stories live. Discover now