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AFTER DAYS of crying and resting I was finally able to face the harem.

The girls looked at me with pity and a few girls even tried to comfort me, Mary almost knocked Cennet Kalfa over while trying to get into my Chambers.

I've seen the Sultan twice since I've been out of my chambers, the first time we are breakfast in the imperial park and the second time we are dinner with his son Osman.

Mahfiruz stormed into the dinner and snatched Osman from my arms but the sultan quickly put her in her place and she hasn't left her chambers since.

I did get a little sad when seeing Osman but I know I'll have more children, I can feel it in me.

I've grown closer to Safiye Sultan over some days, I'd like to believe she trusts me now but I can't be sure, she still doesn't smile around me.

More people have become loyal to me, two concubines, Hazel hatun and Hatice hatun, they're both loyal and they tell me everything going on in the harem and if anyone gossips about me.

And a harem agha named Murad is very loyal to me and tells me everything about the palace, I trust him the most second to Cennet Kalfa and Mary.

I watch Ahmed go over paperwork while I sit on the bed reading a book, my eyes wander over to him and I smile at his looks, my sultan, Sultan Ahmed Khan, the Sultan of the world... The owner of my heart.

I place my book down and I tiptoe over to the sultan, I go behind him wrapped my arms over his shoulder making him chuckle.

"Zeynep, go back to your book im busy, you promised if I let you stay in here that you would not bother me, " he sighs softly, I giggle and begin to massage his shoulders.

"But my sultan, " I kiss Ahmed's neck, "you seem so stressed, " I rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Zeynep perhaps it would be better if you go back to the harem, I'll have guards, and I'll make sure that agha's walk you back to the harem, " she sighs rubbing his eyebrows.

I huff crossing my arms, "I barely see you, my Sultan, and I'm beginning to miss you, " I softly say, Ahmed looks at me with a hint of frustration in his expression, "Zeynep..." He looks at me like he's begging me to leave.

I chuckle shrugging my shoulders, "I will leave you to your work, " I smile and bow before leaving.

As soon as I leave the chambers I am greeted by worried-looking Cennet Kalfa and Murad Agha. I look at them with confusion in my expression.

"What are you doing outside of his majesty's chambers!" I whisper-shout pulling them both away from the Sultan's door.

I place my hands on my hips looking at Cennet Kalfa, "Well spit it out!" I say starting to get frustrated with the pair.

"Hatun..." Cennet Kalfa trails off looking down at her hands, I roll my eyes and nudge Murat's arm, "Speak up, now!" I cross my arms angrily.

"Valide Sultan has been inviting a concubine to the Sultan every night you are not with his Highness, " Murat agha quickly says thinking I wouldn't get mad if I didn't hear most of it.

"What?" My hands fall from my chest, I take a shaken deep breath before I set out all my anger, "How could you two let this slip from right under my nose!" I shout throwing my hands up.

"I'm sorry hatun but even I didn't know, Handan Sultana did it quickly and quietly, " Murat agha admits.

"Who is the concubine, " I huff, Cennet sighs and leans in to whisper.

"Teresa Hatun..." She whispers in my ear making me gasp.

Without saying I word I storm off to go find Teresa Hatun.


Agha's try to prevent me from going into Teresa's chambers but Cennet Kalfa and Murat Agha make the move out of my way.

As I walk into the room I see and hear Teresa talking to herself about how she'll be a sultan and she'll have the sultan's heart.

I sneak up behind her and yank her hair roughly.

"Who are you to speak that way!" I shout at her as she attempts to pull her hair from my hand but my grip is too strong.

"G-go away!" Teresa struggles to release herself from my clutch but sadly fails.

I let go of her hair pushing her back a little, she stumbles on the table, and she falls to the floor, I chuckle and tower over her.

"I don't want to hurt you, Zeynep!" She says trying to scare me and I hear Murat and Cennet giggling behind me, laughing at her words.

It even makes me giggle a bit that she thinks it's possible to hurt me, "You foolish girl, " I kneel to her level, and I stroke her cheek gently, "you are arrogant and power-hungry Teresa, the sultan will never love you the way that he loves me, " I smirk.

Teresa stands to her feet angrily, "you're just as power-hungry as I am! You act so innocent but all you want's to rule this palace!" She shouts getting closer to my face.

I chuckle and push her away by pushing her head back with my hand,
"I love the sultan, I never thought I would but I do, and you are a threat to our love, " I say boldly, I look back at Cennet Kalfa and Murat agha and nod my head.

I hear a muffled scream coming from Teresa's chambers making me giggle to myself.

I sigh softly as I enter the harem and walking up to my chambers.

I'm done playing nice, I tried to behave and act like a kind person but Kösem took something from me, and I can't get my child back, so instead ik will hurt anyone else who even dares to stop me from getting what I want.


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