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SOON ENOUGH news set that Teresa went missing and Handan Sultana was first to blame me but Safiye Sultan covered for me and said that I was will her, and Cennet Kalfa and Mary Hatun backed up that.

After some time I decided to return the girl but she was pretty messed up so she couldn't remember anything which was perfect for me, meaning Cennet Kalfa and Murad did their jobs currently for the first time ever.

I hum to myself while smelling some flowers, I lean down to smell my favorite flower which is a tulip, surprisingly the tulip represents the Ottoman dynasty, and when Ahmed found out that they were my favorite he ordered a bunch to be placed in my chambers for a surprise, it was truly a beautiful gift.

As I finish picking out a few flowers I decided to go back inside but as I'm walking back Murad Agha speed walks over to me.

I stop to look at him with my hands on my hips, "What is it this time Murad?" I sigh rubbing my cheeks.

Murad takes a deep breath in, "Kösem is giving birth!" He lets out making me drop the flowers from my hand.

I take a deep breath in to calm myself down, "if she has a sehzade she'll be higher than me!" I exclaim in a huff,
Murad looks at me with sympathy, "do not fret Hatun, you will soon have a child with his majesty, " Murad Agha says trying to comfort me.

I smile softly, "I just pray to God that she doesn't have a prince, or my life will be ruined, " I sigh walking away from Murad.  


I sent Mary and Hatice Hatun down to Kösem's chambers to see if she gives birth to a prince.

I pace my chambers nervously, running my hands through my hair and biting my nails off.

This could either go two ways, Kösem could give birth to a sultana and not become a sultana and be sent away and nothing would change.

On the other hand, she could give birth to a Sehzade and become a Sultana and be a higher rank than me, and if she does give birth to a prince the Sultan might just let her stay in the palace.

I flop on my bed and I begin to overthink all the things that could go wrong and suddenly the door swings over revealing Mary and Hatice Hatun.

I stand up from my seat and pull them into the room shutting the door behind them.

I fold my arms across my chest and let out a huff, "so?", "Sehzade or Sultana?" I sadly ask.

Hatice Hatun looks at me with pity in her eyes, and before they even say anything I know the answer to my question.

"Zeynep, Kösem had a Sehzade, " Mary Hatun says sadly.

My breath hitched in my throat and I feel like my air has been taken away, I feel my head starting to get dizzy, "S-she is a sultana?" I ask as I sit on my bed to catch my breaths.

Mary takes a seat next to me and strokes my hair, "I'm sorry Zeynep, she doesn't deserve that child after she took yours away, " Mary hugs my side and I hug her back.

"What is the child's name?" I ask Hatice Hatun pulling away from Mary, Hatice looks down at the floor, "Mehmed, after Mehmed the Conqueror, " She answers making me frown.

Mary notices my frown and jumps up from her seat with her hands on her hips, "Hatun you know I would do anything for you, " she blurts out getting my attention quickly, my head slowly turns to look at her with tears in my eyes.

"Mary I don't know what you are thinking but I would never kill an innocent child!" I shout, I run my hands through my hair, and I begin to pace the room.

"Hatun–" Hatice speaks up and I stop pacing so I could look towards her, "what!" I shout frustratedly, with my loud shouts Mary flinches, I notice my shouts are scaring both Mary and Hatice so I take a deep breath in to calm myself down.

"Yes, Hatice?" I say in a much softer tone, "well I've heard that there is a vial that can make a woman pregnant easily, and it's not hard to find you can get Murad Agha to get it for you, " Hatice explained.

My eyes widen with joy, "Are you entirely sure that this works Hatice, I do not want to be disappointed, " I raise my eyebrows.

"I am sure, there is even word that Handan Sultana gave it to Mahfiruz when she visited the Sultan, " Hatice answers with a smirk on her face.

I giggle and turn to Mary, "did you hear that Mary, " I giggle and clasp my hands together, "I'm going to have a prince of my own soon!" I exclaim happily.

I sigh and turn back to Hatice, "order Murad Agha to bring me as many vials of thing you speak of, " I say in a more serious tone, Hatice smiles before she leaves my chambers.

I smile and turn to Mary, "what day is it?" I as curiously, Mary smirks and puts her finger on her chin and taps it a few times.

"I believe it's Wednesday, " she says, I smile and turn away from Mary taking a deep breath in.

I'll let Kösem be happy with her little prince for now, but I will ruin her joy just like she ruined mine.


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