Chapter 3

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Quick A/N: I made this chapter long, which means more words to read. I'll try to update it sooner. Don't forget to leave your comments, they're really motivating 😊


"Nikita, are you crazy?!" I snapped at her. 

"What's your problem? I can't drive you to work everyday, I also have things to attend to with my personal life, now get out of my car." She unlocked the doors. 

"Why'd you stop driving mid-way? HamIX International is still way far away from here." I grumbled. 

"That isn't my problem, you know?" She smirked at me. "You can walk to the nearest bus stop which is twenty minutes away then go with a public bus."

"You know I don't like going with public buses." I folded my hands across my chest, squeezing my enormous breasts. "Where the hell are you even going?"

"If you don't like going with a public bus then buy yourself a fucking car!" She started with a low tone but yelled the last five words. "I'm going on a date." 

"I don't have money for a car yet. Well… I need to save my money for other things." I frowned harder. "Can't you drive me there before you go to wherever the hell you want to go?"

She groaned, muttering cuss words to herself. "I have a date and can't bear to be late, Dash's a very busy man." She informed through gritted teeth. 

"Arghhh…" I groaned. "I hate you!" I spat.

"Well, duh! I hate you too." She rolled her eyes. "Hop out of my car." 

"I hate you more." Aggressively, I opened the door then got out of it. I didn't know when I stuck my tongue out at her. I was just too frustrated. 

"Bye, sweetheart." She wiggled her fingers at me, sniggering. "I definitely notice the change in your dressing style since the last 1 week you've been working with him." She smirked then started the car.

"Knucklehead." I snorted. She burst into a spree of mocking laughter then zoomed off. 

I gripped onto my bag really tight. I had been trying my best not to be late to work but Nikita had surely ruined it, now I was going to be damn late. 

I waved my hand in the air, calling for a taxi but the dumb man ignored me. I huffed then resumed waving my hand for others. 

After a few minutes of calling for taxis but to no avail, a call pulled right in front of me. It didn't seem anything like a taxi so it was probably an asshole trying to hit on me or a random person that pulled over. 

I ignored the car and resumed searching for any random cab. The next bus stop was way too far for me to walk all the way down there. My extremely high stiletto heels weren't going to make my legs walk without spraining my ankles. 

"Hey, babe." A thick masculine voice called for me through the opened window of the car. 

I cast a sideways glance at the person but couldn't get any figure so I decided to totally ignore whoever it was. 

"Hey, sugar. I'm talking to you, hot miss. Gosh, what a piece of hotness we have here." He said sultrily. I could tell he was licking his bottom lip through my sideways glance but I still ignored. 

"C'mon babe, don't ignore me like this. Let me give you a ride, I can't bear to watch a sexy damsel like you standing here, waiting for a taxi that won't arrive anytime soon. You seem to be in a hurry, I'll drop you off." I still ignored him.

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