Chapter 16

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After waving Kade off, the elevator transported me to the 7th floor where mine and the Hotel room I had deliberately planned to share with Imogen was. 

The elevator doors separated, permitting me to scuttle out of it and to 'ROOM 7K'. I inserted my card into the right hole, unlocking the door. 

I stormed in, hastily shut the door. The lights were on, indicating Imogen had switched them back on.

Staggering to the sofas, I sat down on one of them, resting my head against the back of the sofa and shut my eyes. Kade's words couldn't stop reeling in my head. Did I really have to openly express my emotions to Imogen? That was something I hated doing. 

I couldn't imagine walking up to Imogen and saying, 'Imogen, I love you so much. I've loved you for almost two years now, right from the very first day I met you. Can we get married?' Gosh, that was obviously going to sound so lame, obnoxious and unprofessional.

What was I going to do, I couldn't continue this torturous way of living; my nights had never been without thoughts or dreams of Imogen. I was going crazy and I hated it. Sleeping with other Women had helped to be a distraction but they were no longer working out. Imogen was everything in my head and since she had started working with me, it had made my feelings for her grow more crazy. I was beyond frustrated that she obviously didn't feel the same way for me. 

I had always gotten anything I wanted with ease but Imogen was definitely not easy to get. She was like a star I was trying to pluck from the sky as my possession. 

Out of frustration, I snapped my eyes open with a frown and yelled, "Miss Mark," As I was obliged to call her that for formal purposes.

She didn't respond immediately, raising the level of my frustration. I groaned, hollering again, "Miss Mark." I raised my voice.

"I'm coming," she replied. Her voice was distant but I could hear her. 

I began to hear the sound of her footsteps running. In a jiffy, the door to her room was pulled inwards, revealing her figure. She scuttled up to me, maintaining a proper distance. "You called me?" She asked.

"Of course, I did." I still had a frown on, as always.

"Oh, do you need something?" She asked, lacing her fingers in front of her. 

My eyes went to her linked finger then had to stare at her. I knew she was going to think I was glaring at her outfit as I glanced at her from head to toe with a stern face but I was instead admiring her. How in the world was she blessed with such nice curves? Her curves struck my brain so hard as always. She needed to know how badly she scattered my head but it didn't seem like that was happening anytime soon. 

"Sit." I ordered in my usual cold tone I found so hard to control. 

Obediently, she sat on the settee across the one I sat, folding her hands in her lap. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. She drew her eyebrows in confusion. "I mean, what were you doing? Are you busy?" Was I doing the right thing?

"Uh…" she looked puzzled, fixing her electric blue eyes to mine. "You said there's a day break. I don't have anything to do— I— I was admiring the beautiful view of nature." I had guessed she was going to like the view from her room. "I was about to sleep. Do you need something?"

"No— actually, yes. We're going out." I let the words roll out of my mouth before I could control it. 

That seemed to increase her perplexity. "Out?"

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