Chapter 67

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Another frustrating day without Imogen.

I had been checking the internet on how to make your angry wife forgive you but it all seemed to be pointless.

It was high time I gained courage to call that stubborn woman I called my wife.

I picked my phone and searched for her name in the contact list.

Just one click and the phone was going to be ringing but it felt like the biggest deal in my entire life, it felt like an issue of life and death. I had never been this scared in my life.

I succumbed to it and called her.

It kept ringing continuously but there was no response.

I sighed and dropped the phone on the bed but flinched when I heard, "hello?"

I picked the phone, staring at the screen like it was a dream.

"Hello?" Oh my gosh, that voice, I missed it so damn much. I immediately went into a trance after hearing it.

"It's probably a butt-dial, ignore it." I heard Lila say.

I snapped out of my trance and exclaimed, "no! Wait!"

"Oh, it's real."

"What do you want?" Her voice wasn't sweet or gentle but it didn't sound rude at all and I appreciated that very much.

I started scratching my neck. "Uh… I — I was…" what did I want to say? I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to fit everything I needed to let her know in just one word. I was beyond nervous already.

"If all you'll do is stutter then bye—"

"No, Imogen. Wait, please." I sighed. She finally answered my call and I was clearly being stupid by not saying anything. "I know you're still mad at me but can I maybe pay you a visit at least?"


"Please, I'm dying."

"Don't pay me a visit."

I sighed in defeat. "Okay, but our appointment with the doctor is very soon. I'm definitely coming with you to figure out the gender of our baby." I said, placing a stress on 'our'.

She didn't say anything for a while. I heard mutterings from the other end of the line then she cleared her throat. "Fine, we'll go to the Doctor together." My kidney flipped in excitement after hearing that. It meant I was going to spend time with her.

"Thanks a lot!" Of course I was grinning from ear to ear. I had expected her to say something annoying like 'oh yeah, the same appointment you had with the Doctor for Samantha's pregnancy' because things were just so crazy at the moment.

"If you don't have anything else to say, please end the call. Mia, Lila and I are working on a really serious issue here."

"Of course I have a lot of things to say. When will you return home? I miss you. I hardly eat because you're not with me, I can't perform my daily activities properly anymore, I'm just like a living dead."

Once again, silence. This time, it didn't seem like she was going to respond to me.

"Hello?" I said to confirm if the call hadn't ended but it was confirmed after hearing her deep exhalation. "I'll assume you're not answering me. Anyway, I love you and I hope you realize that soon and have even a little bit of trust for me rather than letting your emotions override you, over something a crazy woman said to you."

Still no response.

"I don't know if you're listening to me and intentionally not replying or something else but you have to know that I miss you so much now and feel like… I don't know what to do, this world isn't worth living in anymore without you. I hope you come back home soon before I die. I love you."

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