Chapter 14

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I got out of the taxi, taking my travel bags from the trunk then paid the man. 

I pulled my bags, as well as myself, all the way to the company's Parking lot, stopping beside Hames' car. A man helped me out with taking my bags away to a different car then he got into it and started driving away. I didn't know where he was taking them to but I could tell it was meant to be. 

I rested against the car, waiting for a few minutes before Hames finally arrived. He had bodyguards tailing behind him as he struted to his car. 

"Good evening, sir." I greeted, separating my body from the car. 

"Good thing you're not late." He replied frigidly, indicating that I stepped aside from the car door which I obediently did. 

The driver opened the car door for him then he slowly got into it. I turned around the car and opened the door for myself, getting into it then shut it. The Driver got in, starting the car. 

"Kade, as well as his secretary, Jovi, will be going with us. It's a joint business between 'HamIX International', 'RICARDO International' and 'Carters'. You have to understand that this is a very important business deal." He said in his crazily deep voice. 

"I understand." I nodded.

"Good." He turned his head away from my direction. 

The car moved at a good speed, making the trees, buildings and sky seem like they were moving. I kept staring out the window, noticing how the sky was getting darker and darker, till we arrived at the airport.

We got out of the car. Luckily for me, we were going to be using Hames' private plane. I had never been in a private plane before so I was excited to be in one. 

After the necessary steps, we finally got into the plane. Jovi and Kade joined us, taking their seats beside each other while Hames and I sat beside each other. 

"Kade, it's so nice to meet you again." I said with a grin. 

"Well, it's not so nice to see you again." Jovi muttered, almost rolling her eyes. What was this woman's deal with me?

"Jovi." Kade scolded with a grin. "It definitely is nice to see you again too. How has working with Hames' been?"

I furrowed my forehead slightly. "Well… different." I squirmed, leaning back in my seat. "Very different." 

"He's way too strict and annoying, right?" He chuckled. I nodded in response, giving him 'you totally get that' look.

Hames cast me a sideways glance, not saying anything.

"Hames," Kade shook his head slightly with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "He can never change."


As cliche as it may seem, I had happened to fall asleep all through the flight, only to wake up with my head on Hames' shoulder. 

"Uh— sorry." I apologized. 

He didn't reply to me but instead rose to his feet, following behind Kade and Jovi who was hanging over Kade's shoulder with his arm around her waist. I also rose to my feet, following behind them.

We got out of the plane then hefty men who lined up started tailing behind us, serving as bodyguards. 

Kade and Jovi entered Kade's limo while I still followed Hames till he stopped by a black car. A chauffeur opened the door for him. He got into it, after which I followed.

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