Chapter 21

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My eyes widened beyond limit, popping out of their sockets and almost rolled away. Hames didn't stop kissing me, he was exploring my mouth in ways that did things to my body that they ought not to feel. 

He slid his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch of it. His kiss was causing a tingling sensation to flow through me. My internals were squeezing so bad, but in a good way. 

Ignoring the fact that his mouth tasted of alcohol, his kiss felt good. It ignited a weird kind of fire in me and was making a weird spark occur inside of me. 

I knew I should've pulled away but I couldn't. I was too shocked to even move. The kiss was one heavy one, explaining things I found difficult to understand. 

I should've been the one to do that but he pulled away first, rolling over to lay his back on the bed, panting for air. 

I was still so shocked to even move but I had to pant for air too since he had sucked every breath out of me. 

After regaining my normal breathing, I turned to him. "Hames, what was that for?" His kiss had made my brain go numb; I had forgotten how to stand from his bed..m

He turned his head to me. "Get out." He said in a low voice. 

"Excuse me?" I frowned, sat up straight and darted daggers at him with my eyes. 

"I said 'OUT'." He barked, causing me to flinch. 

I was still so furious but I obeyed, rising to my feet. "I won't let this slip so easily. I'll discuss this when you're in your right mind. You're drunk now, I'll wait till tomorrow." I huffed, turned around to leave his room, slamming the door shut.

I walked up to the table to take my phone, stormed to my room, dropped it on the nightstand. 

Hames' kiss was still haunting me. Why did he kiss me? He was drunk, I knew that, but why? This was all so frustrating. I was going crazy. I needed answers to the questions eating me up. 

Did he think he had the right to kiss me because I was his employee? That was absolutely wrong. He didn't even apologize but asked me to get out rudely. What a big fool he was. 

Still dwelling in my fury, I grabbed a towel and left for the bathroom. His kiss still haunted me while I took a bath then a shower. I really wanted to return to the room, pounce on him and hit his face with my fists multiple times? 

I was only not hitting him because he was drunk. We had to discuss this tomorrow morning. I was growing uneasy. 

I wrapped a towel around my body and hair to get the water out of it. 

"Hames, you're foolish." I groaned, feeling more frustrated than ever. I did my night skincare and haircare routine, slipped a see-through nightgown over my body and sank deep into the softness of my bed, covering myself with a duvet. 

His kiss was everything on my mind till I drifted off to sleep. 


"What have you done? Are you crazy?" Hames barked at me. 

"I didn't do it on purpose, sir." I trembled, quickly picking up the scattered papers on the floor. 

"I already arranged those. How will I ever find the correct one now?" He groaned, threading his hand through his hair in frustration. 

"I'm sorry." I quickly arranged the files back.

"Keep then in the bathroom." He gruffed.

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