Chapter 2: The Undead's Gambit

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Kashi returned to the Maggots with a complacent smile. Up ahead, Absalon led the troops into battle against the undead. The general's wartime expertise was on full display as he expertly commanded the Rosendun, Merrihiem, and Serisis' armies. He somehow blended all these personalities into a coherent whole that overwhelmed the undead army with chilling precision and discipline.

Currently, everyone was involved in the battle aside from the lieutenants, and the five guild leaders. These people stayed behind just in case Kashi needed help. Fortunately, Kashi resolved the situation and safely returned.

"How did it go? What does she want?" Leila took the lead to ask.

"An alliance." Kashi chuckled when he saw their stunned expressions, and quickly explained the details.

"I see." Leila's brows softly furrowed as she looked at the distant Chaos Order army. "Do you trust them? Are you sure she isn't lying?"

"She isn't lying about the gate at least," replied Kashi with a shrug. "Most of us here won't pass the test. But, that does not mean I trust her. No, I think it's more accurate to say I don't trust the Chaos Order. They're not the type of organization to jeopardize the grand scheme for some mere profit."

Darius Alshmeer took a step forward, brows furrowed in a tight frown. "Then, what do you plan to do, Kashi-dono? Surely we won't work with these monsters?"

Kashi looked at the indignant centaur. He could understand Darius' apprehension. The Chaos Order inflicted too much chaos and suffering to the centaurs. The centaurs wanted nothing more than to tear the Chaos Order to shreds. Still, this was not the time.

Kashi sighed and then looked at the crowd. "Listen, I know that you're all itching to tear the Chaos Order a new one, but you must not forget our objective today." Kashi jerked his thumb towards the sky, drawing the group's attention to the strange ball-like phenomena. "Our objective is to prevent Razznik's return, not to destroy the Chaos Order. We cannot afford to get sidetracked or we will lose everything."

Kashi knew this was not enough to placate the angry lieutenants, so he added, "Their day will come. As long as we continue on our path, we will eventually clash. I won't stop any of you, then. I promise."

Darius's frown eased up, and he nodded. "Got it. We shall await that day."

Leila, however, was more concerned by the present. "What's the plan? Do we just send everyone out on a treasure hunt? I don't like the idea of splitting up the army."

Fortunately, Kashi shook his head. "No, we won't be going with them. Our job is to defend this place. We can't let a single undead reach Oni Hill."

"Huh? The undead?" Hektor voiced the group's confusion. They all saw the undead as an annoying side note to the Chaos Order battle. Why did Kashi suddenly make it seem like they were the main threat? "Why?"

Kashi chuckled. He was not shocked by their confusion. No living person knew the true terror of Oni Hill. The mechanism that rendered all prior invasions useless. Kashi glanced at the menacing mountain, and explained, "Oni Hill is not as simple as it appears. The Demon King before Razznik put many mechanisms in place to protect himself and the undead that called the graveyard home."

Kashi turned to look at the distant undead. "One of these mechanisms only functions when Oni Hill senses a large number of foreign lifeforms on the island. Once the condition is fulfilled, Oni Hill turns into a blessing for the undead. Any undead that reaches Oni Hill's gates automatically evolves into a much stronger lifeform. For example, a mere skeleton becomes a Draugr Knight. A Draugr Knight might become a powerful Dullahan, and so on. Invasions are a large event in—I guess it's called Drakase now. I wager word hasn't gotten around the island yet. Give it a few more minutes. This place will soon be overflowing with more undead than you can count."

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