Chapter 28: A Vampire's Greed

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"Hehe, that was even faster than Kashi's run," Syèl remarked with a laugh as the invaders appeared in the lobby. He looked at Shokō, whose relaxed shoulders, subtle smile and tranquil gaze suggested she had undergone something significant. Unfortunately, with the handful of seconds they had, he could not dig out the truth.

Sensing Syèl's gaze, Shokō chuckled and nodded at him. "I'm fine. Get a move on before the random teleportation starts up."

Having confirmed that Shokō's change wasn't negative, Syèl gave a mock salute, and then confidently pushed open the door, revealing the portal. "Alright guys, don't get too comfortable. We'll be out soon!" With those extremely boastful words, Syèl walked into the portal with a sardonic grin.


Syèl blinked as he shook the portal's disorienting effects, and then took in his surroundings. He seemed to have appeared on a giant desert plain. The scorching desert sun bore down unbearably on him, its judgmental light weakening his vampiric blood. Fortunately, Syèl was a Vampiric Prince or else, he wouldn't have been able to confidently deal with the holy sun's debilitating effects.

"Where can I find a couple of Elder Dragons?" Syèl could not wait until he advanced to Vampire King. By then, he would be completely immune to the sun. Well, it wasn't like Elder Dragons would fall from the sky on command.

"HAHAHA! Twerp! Are you paralyzed from fear!? Don't worry. I'll play with you for a few hours before I kill you."

Syèl's brow slightly rose as he glanced at the abnormality within the sand ocean. A giant stone castle stood at the distance. A bronze-skinned, bear-like cerulean stood atop the tallest tower gazing down at the distant Syèl with a proud sneer.

The cerulean, with biceps larger than Syèl's head, chuckled as he spread out his hand and gestured toward the vampire. "How do you like my Greed!? Your puny clans can never match a conqueror's greed."

Syèl cast a gaze across the hundreds of thousands of bear-like ceruleans who stood guard around the castle. That's right, they were all clones of the cerulean Primate. Syèl guessed that the man had a cloning ability that was further augmented by Greed's floor.

Syèl gained a rudimentary understanding of the Sin Floor's rules from Kashi's explanation and the previous two floors. Each floor enhanced any ability that complimented the floor's sin.

Wrath transformed the goblin's burning flame, Envy enhanced its primate's illusion, transformation, and mind-reading abilities to improve their ability to instill Envy in the invaders. Following this train of logic, it made sense that Greed enhanced the Primate's cloning ability. After all, every conqueror was greedy for territory and soldiers above all!

On any other occasion, Syèl might have been apprehensive. However, faced with the unreasonable odds, the vampire's lips slightly curled upward.

"Do you know why greed is very dangerous?" Syèl casually spoke despite being at least four kilometers away from the castle. Evidently, he was not concerned that the Primate would not hear him.

"Haha... It's true, what they say. You Maggots are too arrogant." The Primate's amused response proved Syèl's conjecture correct. "What, do you think you can defeat my clones because they are weaker than me? Indeed, my clones are usually only a tenth of my true strength. But, have you forgotten I am currently empowered by my doppelgangers battling your friends?"

The Primate flexed his chest and playfully wagged his finger at the distant halben. "Don't shit your pants, but each of my clones is currently just as strong as my original strength! Do you know what that means?" The Primate's voice grew heated and more boisterous as he happily screamed at the distant halben. "Right now, you are facing one hundred thousand Primates! Hahaha! Are you shaking yet? Don't pass out now, the best is yet to come." The Primate laughed sardonically as he revealed, "Thanks to the Greed realm, my clones have fully materialized in flesh and blood! They won't crumble from a simple blow! Haha—"

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