Chapter 12: My Sky

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Bam! A six-armed demon groaned as something slammed it against the ground. The demon tried to stand up, but a boot stomped its head, keeping it pinned in place.

"Relax, I'm not here to fight." Kashi grinned as he looked at the angry demons that surrounded him. "I'm going to kill the vampire for you. Just stay out of my way."

The demons warily appraised the terrifying draconian. Once upon a time, these demons would have attacked Kashi without regard for their lives. Unfortunately, most of their hellish instincts had eroded due to fear. After battling the vampire for so long, they now wished to preserve their lives above all else.

Kashi smiled when he noticed their apprehension. He put his hands in his pockets and then confidently strode through their midst. Strangely, the demons parted like the Red Sea, giving him free access. They then followed behind, strangely attracted to the destructive pressure oozing off the draconian.

Kashi noticed the demons' odd behavior, but did not react to it. Razznik had fought and lived with countless demons so he was used to their peculiarities. He quickly made his way through the channels until the demons removed the blockade to the vampire's lair. Kashi walked into the vampire's lair to see a grinning middle-aged man.

The vampire had just feasted on the dungeon core's latest tributes, and was thus bursting with plentiful energy. The Vampire Duke sinisterly laughed as he pointed at the draconian. "Finally! Taste my pow—urk!"

The vampire's eyes widened in shock when he realized he was looking up at the draconian's head. "Wait. What happened?"

"Sorry, but I'm sort of on a time limit." Kashi nonchalantly burned the head in his hand, and then sent a fireball to incinerate the rest of the corpse.

Kashi then turned his attention to the dungeon core. Like the floor above, he jumped and then absorbed the core into Orez. Immediately, he received a prompt.

[Demon Dungeon Core Detected.]

[This Dungeon Core summons Demons and Devils from the Netherrealm. Due to their hellish nature, Demons from this dungeon core will instinctively seek out and destroy civilizations. It is advised you place this core in a remote location.

Note: Demons from this Dungeon Core cannot be tamed.]

Kashi turned off the prompt, and then turned his attention to the ground. He pushed the soil aside with Earth Control, revealing a chest buried six feet beneath the ground.

Kashi did not even glance at the treasure chest before tossing it into Orez. Right now, Kashi did not need weapons or artifacts. The only items that interested him were those that could raise his base strength. To that end, the next floor was much more enticing.

[You Have Leveled Up x4]

"Hm?" Kashi glanced at the sudden prompt with raised brows. It seemed Hektor had completed his mission. Sure enough, he soon felt Drixlia's presence on the Hell Floor.

Gugugugu~ Around the same time, a section of the chamber's walls parted to reveal a stone bridge that stretched over the sea of flames.

Eleven similar bridges appeared at the other channels, all leading to a joint platform.

Brrackt! Kashi turned around as a mass of lightning and electricity appeared by his side. The lightning dispersed to reveal the proud Drixlia, with Hektor seated atop it with a slightly flushed complexion. It was apparent that the young man had pulled out his inner reserves to complete his mission in a timely order.

Kashi was not blind to the light in Hektor's eyes. He raised his thumb and said, "Nice job. You were brilliant! You guys saved me a lot of work."

"Heh," Hektor revealed a goofy smile as he rubbed his nose. "I had to complete at least this much, right? Drix did most of the work though." Hektor patted the kirin's flank and then gently dismounted.

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