Chapter 6

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Y/N skated off and..crossed the finish line..trying to catch her breath, she looked up and saw everyone looking at her.

"No way.." Cherry whispered

"How?.." JOE said

Miya and SHADOW stood there in shock.


"WAY TO GO!" someone cheered

"YEA!" Reiki said as he ran to hug Y/N with Langa behind him.

Y/N smiled under her mask and lifted her board up. She felt someone hug her waist and as she looked down, she saw Reiki looking up at her and smiling. Even though Y/N had a mask on, Reiki knew that she was smiling back at him.

A few hours later

Y/N was back home and she took off her mask while taking off her shoes. She sighed as she went upstairs to her room. Y/N opened the door and she placed her board near the door with many masks hanging above her board. [Note: Y/N's room can be your choice of room. It can be your irl room, your dream room, etc. Just use your imagination : ) ] Y/N sighed as threw herself on her bed. She felt a buzz coming from her front pocket from her phone and she reached for it. It was a text message from an unknown number.


Unknown: Sweet Dreams Y/N! <3 :)

Y/N: Who is this?

Y/N thought.

Y/N: Who is this?

Unknown: It's Reiki!

Y/N was shocked as she read that message.

Y/N: How did you get my number?-

Reiki: That's not important. Anyways, I have a question for you but I'll ask you at school tomorrow.

Y/N: Reiki..Tomorrow is Saturday.

Reiki: Ah! My bad.

Y/N: That's ok

Reiki: Can you meet me at Sugar Bakery tomorrow at 2:30 pm?

Y/N: Hm. Hold on.

Y/N quickly checked her schedule.

Y/N: Yeah I can meet you there.

Reiki: Great! See you tomorrow!

Y/N: You too.

Reiki: Sweet dreams Y/N. <3

Y/N smiled and stared at the message for a good 3 minutes. After she was done simping, she turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The Next Day

Y/N woke up and checked her phone for the time.

"12:54 PM! GAH!" Y/N yelled as she rushed out of bed and quickly showered. When she was done showering, she quickly went to her closet and picked out a good outfit to wear.

" It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date. IT'S NOT A DATE Y/N!" She yelled out.

"Ha..f*ck my anger issues.." Y/N whispered.

She managed to calm down and quickly changed. Y/N wore [Your choice of clothing] with [Your choice of shoes]. She looked in her mirror and smiled. Y/N checked her phone and it was 2:13 pm.

"GAH!" Y/N yelled out as she ran downstairs and grabbed her keys. She opened and locked the door after closing it and ran to her [Your choice of car]. She started the engine and drove off to the bakery.


Reiki: What if she's not coming Langa?

Langa: She will trust me.

Reiki: ..But what if she got into a car crash?

Langa: Reiki you're overthinking it. Just stay there and wait for her. Maybe there's traffic going on or she's still getting ready. You know how long girls take to get ready. Don't you live with 4 girls including your mom?

Reiki: Yea but-

Langa: Ok Reiki I have to go but tell me everything when you're done ok?

Reiki: ..fine.

Langa: Ok bye!

Reiki: Bye.

Langa: Oh and Reiki, don't overthink it.

Reiki: Alright alright.

Langa: Ok bye Reiki.

Reiki: Bye.

As soon as Reiki hung up, he saw Y/N running towards him.

"Gah! I'm sorry if I took too long. Traffic was heavy." Y/N said as she was trying to catch her breath.

"That's ok." Reiki said as he smiled.

"Were you waiting long?"

"Not at all. I got here a few minutes ago."

"Phew that's good."

Reiki opened the door for Y/N,

"After you Y/N" he said as he smiled

"Thanks" Y/N responded as she smiled

Y/N went in with Reiki behind her and sat down at a table near a window.

"So what did you want to ask me?" Y/N asked as she set down her [ Your choice of handbag or bag] to the side.

"Uh, first I want to thank you for making time to meet me here. I really appreciate it."

"It was no biggie. I don't have that many friends and I only go out on Sundays so, it's nice to go out an extra day."

"Yeah, um anyways I asked for you to meet me here because.."


"I wanted to see if.."


"If you would.."

Authors Note: I'm pretty sure you guys hate my guts because of this cliff hanger </3. But I think that that makes the story more interesting! Anyways, bye!

&quot;SK8 Into My Heart Y/N&quot; [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora