Chapter 15 : Of curiousty and matchmaking

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Renata watch emma and iris to finish their steak, with kyouya sitting a few chairs away from the other three. Lampo didn't leave after finishing his steak. He sat across renata, talking and asking many things especially to emma as he sip the grape juice renata made.

"so emma, you're cozart's lover ?" asked renata as she gave emma an amused look

".... Yes..." said emma blushing

Kyouya just stop eating for a second before continue while lampo choked on his drink, " *cough... *cough... w-what?! Cozart ?! the same dense guy as giotto has lover ?! seriously ?!"

"//////" emma's face became redder than before

Seeing this renata giggled a little while emma glared at her friend

"what ?" asked renata

"you do this on purpose, right ?" asked emma as she still blushing

"what did I do ?" said renata as she only blink like a innocent child at her friend

At the Music shop

"so ?" asked G

"so what ? pinky ?" asked a silver haired woman with green eyes

"won't you come to vongola's mansion ?" asked G

"and ? why should I ?" asked the woman

"lavina you....."

"I am what, mister pinky G?" asked lavina

"*sigh.... Okay, why would you being so difficult when I invited you to the mansion ?" asked G

"because it's funny mister pinky" said lavina

"you..... "G couldn't help but twitch every time he speak with her, she annoying but he couldn't get angry with her

".... Okay, since I am being generous to you, I will come to your place. Satisfied pinky ?" said lavina

"..... can you just call me G like everyone else ?" asked G

".... No, that will be boring" said lavina as she take her bag and go back with G to vongola's mansion

They walking side to side, the people around them couldn't help but staring at them. Especially G as he not scowl nor he is grumpy like usual. Most woman though cried in their heart, the other day vongola primo go date with a beautiful light red haired woman and today his rumored right handman also walking with a beautiful silver haired woman. Most the best man in town are the vongola man and some of them, especially two top man was already taken. Which woman not cry as the most capable handsome barchelor taken by some woman and they couldn't even protest their jealousy as the woman both are beautiful enough to be match with them ?. they could only sigh as it's not their fate. G and of course the rumore woman, lavina couldn't bothered by these people's thought and just continue walking to vongola mansion.

In Vongola mansion's kitchen

"hm ?"

"something wrong rena ?" asked emma

"nothing, just I feel like I misst out something fun ? oh well, let's continue" said renata

In front of vongola mansion

Lavina just stare at vongola mansion's gate, she seem thinking about something. G just look at her weirdly.

'damn, I never thought G the annoying people of all people will have younger sister ! fucking seriously why should there another annoying pinky ! one was enough!' thought lavina

(a/n : seriously ? if you know who you will worship him =_=")

"hey, lavina ?" asked G as he tapped at her shoulder

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