Chapter 5 : of meeting guardians part II and dream

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Renata POV

After doing argument with asari, G decide to stop and guide me around the mansion. He said the mansion big and since I am new here, I can get lost. He first show me the front of the mansion, there's a few repair here because of someone but I know who since G curse and mumbling something like 'skylark' or 'pinnaple'. I memorize all side of the mansion to make sure that I don't get lost in the future. Though, there's so many room and ways in and out the mansion! It's almost like maze!. We run into knuckle in medical hall inside the mansion, his first impression to me was very... yup, very extreme. He almost like oni-san if not for his black hair.

" hello! G! what are you doing here to the maximum!" said knuckle, when he see me he froze. He open and closed his mouth like a gaping fish. So funny. It's continue for a while until he shout "G! THERE'S TWO OF YOU TO THE MAXIMUM!!".

A vein in G's head, " don't shout's ! I don't want my sister became deaf because of you!!"

'G, you're kind of screaming too'

Knuckle eyes widen, " WHAT?! YOU HAVE SISTER TO THE MAXIMUM G?!!! "

The tick mark on G seem to mutipled, I better do something before they shouts at each other. " hello, I am renata, G's little sister. What yours? " I said while smilling. ( 'a lesson from reborn I must smilling when meet new person as a polite sign no matter what mood I have. Reborn made sure to driddled in my skull, I wonder if there's such a thing, maybe mafia thing?mmm... oh well.')

Knuckle eyes widen more, honestly his eyes can came out anytime now. "......knuckle". Knuckle just said his name and silenced. He stared at me and it start made me uncomfortable. G notice my discomfort and narrowed his eyes, "oi! Stop staring at her, you make her uncomfortable"

This seemed to snap knuckle from his stance, " sorry, your sister kind of polite, opposite of you and she seems nicer than you" he grinning at G and this made him angry, his eyebrow start twitching. Before he start shouting competition I grab his hand and drag him away from knuckle, " fratello, I am tire. Let's go".

G huffed and let go. We finish exploring tha mansion in one hour later and since I am tired he guide me to my room to rest. " this is your room, my room was across yours. Beside me was giotto's" he point at two room across mine.

" I going to rest then" I said.

" yes, rest well rena. Call me if you need anything" G said smilling and pat my head.

"yes, thank you" I said, he smile and leave.

After G leave, I start unpacked my things and tidy them. I feel tired and hot so I decide to go shower. After shower I changed my cloth and sat on the bed. I am not yet meet alaude, looks like he is on mission. I hope he is okay... nah, it's alaude, he look kyouya so yeah he must be okay. I sit for a while before I start yawn and sleeping.


This burning house was my house

When I look at my hands, its small. I became child again. I even wear the same dress like 'that day' , I stared at my burning house and when the fire come to me, I tense but soon realise this flame not burn me, only circled around me. When I saw this, i don't know. I feel empty and just stared at the burning house. Now that I think about it, back then I don't have any luxury to think and just run to survive. Even when I am in the orphanage I just train to became stronger.

Seeing this made me realise. For things I lose, for the person who I must mourn for her death. The person who gave me and my brother love, a mother who never give up and raised her children with kindness and smile. A wife who forced to be part with her husband to protect their children. The wam memories flooded inside me, my smiling mother, her laugh, her smile, kindness even her strength when raise the two of us. She never give up, never hate her husband for his naivety or even blame it to her children, just smile and wait for her husband to come back while raising her children.

The feeling that I suppressed long ago began to surface and I cried, cried for my mother, for her ungranted wish, her desire, her never ending love for me, for my brother, for father. I can only mourn my mother now, I cried loudly to my content. I let go everything, my sadness, my grief, my guilt, my regret for not being able to save her, to mourn for her death. I cried until I feel someone behind me, when I turned around I see someone I taught never see again.

"mom.." I said.

"renata" she said smilling, her voice like melody, so warm and full of kindness. She stood behind me with a smile on her lips.

No one POV

It's about time for dinner, G head towards renata's room for dinner. While he go there he meet giotto who just finish his paperwork.

"hello G, something wrong ?" giotto said.

" no, I just want to go and call renata for dinner" G said.

Giotto nod in understanding and said " then I will go first", then he start walking.


" rena! It's time for dinner! " said G.

'it's kind of remind me when we are young, rena still small back then'


"rena? Are you there?" G said.

'weird, she is not respon. I know she like privacy and all but it's strange for her to be this silenced.'

G started to get panicked and brag inside renata's room,"rena! I coming in!"

When he get inside, he hear a snore and get close. He blinked with what he sees. Renata sleeping on bed, He chuckle and walked closer to her.

' she seems tired, may be I should let her sleep more'

" seriously, if you want to sleep then sleep properly. You don't even finish dry your hair" G said, he then laying renata properly in bed so she don't get sick and get out of the room.

Renata's dream ( renata POV)

"something wrong renata?" my second mother said smilling.

"mom? Bu—but you.." I suttered.

"I know, dear" she said smilling sadly at me. She comes closer and kneeled beside me

" I am happy, you and guantino finaly reunited again" she said

" yes I am happy too" I said.

" I am glad both of you alright and grow up healthy" she smile, there's a tear at her eyes. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"mom..*sob*sob.. I miss you.. I miss you so much" I said

" me too, dear but you know as long you and your brother happy and well it's enough for me" she said

" mom.." I said

" live happy with your brothers okay, my little angel?" she said

" yes..." I said

"rose" suddenly there's a man beside my mother, I couldn't see his face.

"yes" mom start to stood and go beside him

" renata, live and be happy. Both you and your brother, me and your father will always watching for you two" she said, before I could said anything my vision started to waver and turned black.

No one POV

Renata wake up and go toward the bathroom, she wash her face and stared at the mirror. Her face that look alike like her second mother. Seeing this, she remember her dream. Thingking what her mother said in her dream, she determine her resolve.

'I will be happy mom, and I will protect my new my family like what I do in my past life'

She watched her shadow at the mirror as her brown eyes start to turn into orange with a little tint of red in them.

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