Omake VI : how matchmaking duo formed

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Tsuna and kyoko was bored, they don't have anything to do. Sure they can watch movie or do shopping or eating cake but they bored of that already. It's exactly when they see ryohei and hana awkward in front of kyoko's house. Unextreme ryohei with red face seem want to say something but don't know how and he received punch from irirated hana with a slight blush on her face (poor ryohei). Hana huffed at her friend's brother idiotic before sighing and enter her house beside them.

Tsuna and kyoko who hide when see them groaned,

"look at them, kyoko-chan! No getting anywhere!!!" said tsuna as he sighing

Ryohei just confused and rub the back of his head looking quite sheppish at his situation. Kyoko just nod and agree with her boyfriend, "right"

She look upside and see hana still look at her brother, "why don't they just together, as matter of fact now?!"

She huffing cutely in tsuna's arms while hiding. Suddenly tsuna get interesting idea, "kyoko-chan why don't we match making them ?? ryohei and hana! I mean let's be cupid and get them together!"

"you right, tsu-kun~~" said kyoko beaming at tsuna while she hugging her boyfriend

Tsuna hug her back, "thank you, kyoko-chan!~"

Tsuna also beamed brightly at kyoko, there are some sparkle, flower and cute bunny sprout behind their back (they called sparkle couple for a reason).

Two weeks later ryohei and hana successfully dating, though tsuna and kyoko leaves some chaos on their wake when doing a little matchmaking scheme much to the other amusement and horror.

Seven year old reborn wipe his imaginary tears when see this, " they grow up fast, aren't they ?"

Dino fainted when he heard reborn said this, while skull hiding behind wall far away from reborn.

Fon just shook his head, " you enjoying this, right ?"

"oh hush fon, I watch how well my children grow up" said reborn with a glint of pride in his eyes

Aria and vongola nono just chuckle and sip their tea together watching chaos in front of them.

And the other of tsuna guardians ?

Takeshi nervously laugh helping hayato,

Kyouya feel headches

Hayato busy doing damaged control

Lambo just eat his candy not understand what happen ( he only six year old after all)

Chrome just smile while doing illusion for the civillians

Mukuro ?

Mukuro just kufufu~~ (inside he hoped tsuna will never matchmaking him and chrome as they already dating not that mukuro want to be matchmaking by tsuna and kyoko)

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