Chapter 8 : of sky flame and piano

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G came back one hour later with piano. When renata see the piano she was delighted, she put down the book she was reading and pin the page. She run her way to music room, the first thing she do when reached the room was admiring the piano.

'wow, holy god! So beautiful' she thought as her fingers touch the piano.

Her mind bust with happiness, the piano was big with silver and gold color. It was so beautiful like it's more art piece than piano. She couldn't take of her eyes of the piano, after she press a few times. She squeled and hugged G tightly. She look up to G and beamed at him with 100% warm smile, "thank you"

G faltered then he smile back and pat her head, " it's no big deal, how about you play it now ?"

She beamed at him and smile "un!"

G blinked at her and shook his head, " what will you play then? "

"umm... how about I play the piece I create myself ? " renata said.

" you made it yourself ? Really ? " said G.

" un! So you better listen to it okay? Okay? " renata said determinedly as her eyes became pure oranges.

" ..." G has to blink his eyes again and again, he see renata's eyes became brown again.

'did this mean rena really a sky?' G thought

Renata walk toward the seat in front of the piano and start to play the melody. She often asked to play this song at church. In her last life, she create this piece of song for his family even after reborn her mind still remember this song clearly. Her family in her last life like this song very much so she hope G and the others also like this song too. She press her fingers into the keyboard and began playing as she poured her whole feelings to this song. The melody began to play slow and gentle like the flow of gentle water.


I watched rena as she play the song, when she press the keyboard and start play I noticed her eyes began to glow orange. The melody start was gentle and filled with so much innocence in them, the innocence within life itself, The steady rhythm which accompany the melody was like to convey the cheer of happiness feeling. I don't know why I know this what I know this make me to feel relax like I can off a little of the burden that I carry.

After that it's getting dark like a tragedy has befall, one that she could nothing but just see as the tragedy happen. I don't even know I was clench my fist, it's like I felt the sadness and pain she was convey within the melody. Then the melody start to change, it's slowly change to one of pure of joy as renata's face start to brighten up.

' it's like she tried to tell me a story... a story of her life' I thought.

The joy in the music start to warm the room as if there's a blanket to warm to entire room, I feel as if i was engulfed in warm, vast of a sky. Like when I was with giotto as he smile warmly at me. This feeling making menot only relax but ease and accepted.

' it as if rena was a vast sky, a sky who will accept anything that come to it and welcome in open arms like home, a welcoming home' when G think about this, something klik in place. A bond which never sever was bonded as it was fated for me. When I start feel this, I was so surprised, with wide eyes and I look at his sister who will finish the melody as it was start to slowly in a gentle yet peaceful note. When she was finish the song, renata look at me.

" how the song, fratello ? " she asked me, smilling so warm as her eyes still glow orange.

I was so shocked and blurt the first thing I can think, " you really a vast and warm sky", 'like giotto a warm, big, and accepting sky that will welcome anything in it's arms'

No one POV

When renata heard what G's said, unknown to her this was the exactly reason of why reborn let her play piano in the first place although she was escaping the paperwork. When renata as tsuna playing piano, he was leaking his sky flames everywhere and it's warm every people whose hear the song. His sky flames made everyone near him feel so welcome like they have home which will welcome them back and accept them no matter what they do. And reborn made sure tsuna will play once in while in a gathering or parties he attend ( it also made vongola win many allies and even convert their enemies to become their allies just by hearing tsuna's music).

Without the sibling knowing, someone else hear renata's playing. He couldn't help listening to pthe melody as it was warm his heart. He dazely stay still even after the song ended, the person was lampo, giotto's lighting guardian.

'so rena was a sky like giotto' he thought.

He was still dazed and surprise of the bond that start within him, it's not like her flame steal him from giotto. More like her flames welcome him not as guardian but as a family, a true family of the sky. Lampo couldn't help but thinking that renata piano playing was so good and the melody was so beautiful and it even can enter people's deep heart just by hearing it.

'she was like giotto, a sky which will accepting anyone even criminal or sin person' lampo thought as he began to walk away from music room.

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