Chapter 2 : of life in this new life

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After that incident, renata was travelling with nothing but clothing in her body. She run away from the men that cause the incident because mafia men might come back and catch her just to know her father whereabouts or became a hostage, renata never knew that her new life's childhood would be like this.

('then again, isn't me reborn as G's little sister also something I never expect ? .... You know I'll stop this kind thingking , it's tiring... ha...')

' will G be alright alone ?.... he will be alright, indeed in the history that I read in my last time did say he used live in the street together with primo. Just hope I am not mess too much' tsuna thought.

While travelling, renata make sure she was healthy by eating fruits or herbs she found in the forest, she also go hunt some small birds or rabbits, while it's not entirely alright but it's enough to stay healthy for five years old girl. She was also make sure to stay clean with bathing in clear river or lake she found within the forest. renata was grateful to reborn for making her training in the forest many times in her last live ( ' not that I like it but it still useful for me to survive' ), if not renata was sure she will not survive alone in the forest. After many days walking in the forest, renata at least make it to a small town. She entered the town and looking around, she hope she can find a church or orphanage to stay for a while until she adult.

' finding an orphanage was difficult than I thought, i managed to find this one. I hope it's not an orphanage that abuse the children' renata thought.

renata got in front of the orphanage door and knock, a few minutes later a lady with blach hair and emerald eyes open the door, she look at renata.

" hello dear, welcome to rosemary orphanage I am lorensia. But you can call me sister loren, what can I help you with ? " asked loren kindly.

' she seems nice ' renata thought.

" I ... I .. mom ... died and I .. don't ... " ' shit! I should at least practice or planned something! If reborn know he will have my head (R : dame-tsuna looks like I should tor- I mean tutor you again ) ' renata didn't know what to say, without she realize it, her mother incident was shocked enough to her young body and mind.

Suddenly sister loren gasp and graps renata's small hand and said " oh dear lord! Come inside then! Looks how cold your hands are! Let's heat your small body, dear ". Sister loren pulled renata inside, she feeds renata and ask her name. After that she take renata to a room to rest and give her a couple of cloths to change.

' that's went better than I expect it would ' renata thought.

Renata POV

Life in the rosemary orphanage wasn't bad, it's good really. It was nice to help to take care of kids. It has been many years since the 'incidents' I now already seventeen years old almost eighteen. Since the incident, I always trained myself to become stronger so I can protect my dear ones as I don't want what happen to my second mother (' my first mother will always be sawada nana, while she was not perfect she was kind and love me dear as she was raised me alone since dad (sawada iemitsu) distanced himself to protect us' ) to be happen again. Also, it's better to be prepared after all. I was surprised I am still a sky when I try to summon my flames ('which I am glad too').

Since I am already adult now, and more than ready to leave by myself and because I want to search my brother, G. I packed my things inside a small backpack as I don't own too much item just a few things here and there. After that I change my cloths to easy going cloth as I will have to travel to sicily. When I see my image at small mirror in my room, I could say I grew up and become quite stunning lady. And as I was a guy before, I could say I quite pretty. I placed my mother necklace around my neck as I closed my eyes and remembered her. I brushed my long pink hair and braid it a little at the bottom of my hair and put a little red liquid lipstic around my plump lips ( ' now that I remember my second mom also stunning even after having two kids, must be our genes'). After I am finished, I stand up and get out of my room.

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