Chapter fourteen /confrontation.

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New Delhi.....
Three days later......
At the Chauhan residence.....
In the study room......
The door to the study opened, Thakur Bhawani Singh looked up as his loyal aide Kaka walked in, stepping close to Thakur Bhawani he bent forward and whispered in his ears.
"They are here, hukum."
"You did as I said?"
"Ji! Hukum."
"How many?"
"Good!! You know what to do." Thakur sahib looked at Kaka. Kaka looked back and nodded. "What about the house staff?"
"They have all been briefed. Everything is in order sahib." A loud knock caught their attention.
Kaka opened the door of the study and looked out. Ahhhh..he bowed his head in acknowledgment and then turning announced the arrival of two most awaited guests. Thakur Bhawani singh stood up, waiting there, as he observed the two men walk in after Kaka.
"Rana sahib!" He moved his head in a very slight nod of acknowledgment, barely acknowledging the younger man standing next to the Rana. He finally turned back to face his foe.
"It is a pleasure to see you."
"I believe it finally is, Bhawani. You have led me a merry chase."
"So have you Rana Sahib. So have you."
"Then we understand each other well."
"There is no doubt that we do." Each man shrewdly assessing his opponent, as they stood in the room. "What do you want?"
"Ahhh! So we cut the preliminaries, do we?"
"I am done with playing games. Let's get down to the facts. What do you want?"
"Why we have come for my daughter-in-law, Bhawani." The cruel gleam in his eyes was scary....
"Daughter-in-law!! Jaswant has married?"
"Stop playing the fool Bhawani. You know Jaswant married Maira. And now she is his legal wife. There is nothing you or anyone can do. Maira has to go with Jaswant."
"Rana Sahib my daughter doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do. And what marriage it must be some other girl."
"This is not a joking matter, Bhawani. Get the damn girl! Or do you want me to take matters into my hand."
"Why I would say that was a threat, wouldn't you too?.... commisioner Dutta." Thakur Bhawani finally drew attention to the gentleman who had been sitting quietly across the room. Seeing the police official sitting there calmly listening to them, Rana Udaybhaan was baffled for a moment, then he realised that this could turn his way. Bhawani had been too calm since their arrival. Maybe he had judged him wrong. Could he have underestimated the man? He had thought that Bhawani had fled to Delhi in terror, but now he was not so sure.
"Definitely Thakur saheb."
Well! Good! We have a government official here to make sure that the right thing is done. Now commissioner!! his daughter Maira married my son the Kunwar Jaswant in front of witnesses , according to all rituals. I..have take my daughter-in-law to her house Suratgarh..."
Rana UdayBhaan looked arrogantly at Thakur Bhawani. Jaswant came forward standing up close to Bhawani trying to intimidate him with his bigger physic and aggression. He looked down at the older man and snarled.
"Rana Saheb will not repeat himself. You will do as he says, or I will make you regret your insolence."
"Calm down! Calm down! My son. You see commissioner, Bhawani Singh is holding his daughter against her wishes. Why she ran away from him to marry my Jaswant, as all the people in Suratgarh can attest to it. For they were witness to the marriage ceremony. I will take her forcibly if required, but she will go with us."
"Now! Now! Now! No need for all this drama. Let us straighten this matter. Bhawani ji call Maira, please. Rana Saheb, kuwar Jaswant, please both of you be seated. Let us go through this calmly and resolve the matter." Suddenly it all seemed so civilised and courtly.
Sitting down in his seat from where he could observe everyone in the room, Dutta picked up his cup of tea and took a sip. Hmmnn.. the matter was as grave as Bhawani had said it was. He knew all, Bhawani had called him yesterday as soon as he had reached Delhi. Here in this very room, Bhawani had briefed him about all that he had been through the past two months. Then they had set up their plan. If he had any misgiving concerning the wronged party it was now long gone. He would do his best to catch this criminal.
The door of the study opened and a young lady and two men entered. Maira looked at her father, concern holding her face but for a moment. Then looked at the two men next to her, she nodded ever so slightly and giving a small smile walked over to her father.
Her stomach was wobbling, and she feared she would throw up in fear. But she was not letting them get the better of her. She had to be strong and she would fight it out. She sat down firmly next to her father as she greeted his friend the commissioner of Police. She looked up at Abhimayu, as though understanding her, he came and stood behind her.
"Well now! Ameyaa, my dear girl. There seems to be some confusion. You know Rana Udaybhaan Singh and his son Kunwar Jaswant Singh. Well! They are alleging that Kunwar Jaswant is your husband and you are being held in your father's house against your wishes."
"Husband! Who Kunwar Jaswant! Impossible. Why we barely know each other. Why would you say such lies?"
"Lies!! Now my dear child! No need to hide matters. I know you are scared but child you cannot run away from the fact that you are married now to Jaswant." Although his tried to show a calm concern, but Maira could hear the pure evil dripping in his voice.
"Rana Saheb till you can prove it, these are only allegation." Thakur Bhawani singh would not succumb to this man. Maira breathed deeply trying to stabilise her nerve. It would not do to show the Rana how disturbed she actually was. A hand came from behind and gently squeezed her shoulder. She turned slightly to look at the strong fingers, she wished she could hold on to them. She could feel Abhimanyu and ChandraPrakash standing firmly behind her. She drew strength from them.
"Rana Saheb when do you say the marriage supposedly happened?" Commisioner Dutta knew he had to step in to resolve this matter. Abhimanyu looked at Maira, impressed at how she presented a picture of calm poise, he couldn't hide the feeling of love and pride as he looked at Maira. The look was not missed by Dutta.
"Why...10 October,!! just eleven days past. At Suratgarh....." he had that victorious look as though he had already won the duel.
"Do you have any witnesses who can attest to the ceremony?" Dutta asked.
"Ahhh..witnesses you say. Of course lots. All the people at the palace. Didn't I mention that the wedding was held at the palace, in Suratgarh."
"And what about the girl's side. have family? Right? Who was there from her side?"
Rana kept silent for a moment. He hadn't thought of that!!
"As you know Bhawani was missing and we thought that Maira was in danger and so we held the wedding without calling anyone."
""Is that true,Maira?"
"I don't know what Rana Saheb is talking about? But I was at Mandhara, with Abhimanyu and ChandraPrakash. We just arrived from there. You can ask them." She looked straight at the commissioner."
"She is lying!" Jaswant suddenly yelled, his eyes filled with anger. The bitch, he could take no more. He was through with these games. How dare she! He would get her...... "she was at Suratgarh, she somehow ran away......"
"Jaswant!! Enough...." the young fool! He would give the game away with his impatience. Rana UdayBhaan gave a deadly stare, enough to stop his rampant son. "Maira, my dear..." his voice was now dripping sugar. "We don't know why, but Maira has suddenly changed. She married Jaswant willingly in Suratgarh, actually she was desperate to marry Jaswant. Then she got cold feet and she ran for fear of her father...My dear child!! My dear dear child!! This is not a joking matter. A Wedding is for ever, and now Jaswant and you are tied together.."
"I agree with you Rana Saheb a wedding is not a joking matter. And I am definitely not married to Kuwar Jaswant. This I can swear on the Goddess Durga."
"Enough!! I have had enough! There seems to be some game that you are playing with me and my daugter seems to be a pawn for you...Rana Saheb. I want you to take your son and leave. We need have no further dealing of any matter from now on. I will not allow you to put my daughter in the middle of your game." Everyone was looking at Thakur Bhawani Singh. He stood there, erect his eyes glaring at the Rana.
"Game! I...don't.."
"Rana Udaybhaan Singh...let me make it clear to you...My daughter will never go with you, what ever you may say. And if she is saying that she is not married to Jaswant, then she is not. You both may leave...Now" he broke no more arguments.
"Shut up! You nitwit!...How dare you, you fucking bastard!!" He had had enough of all this bikering. Pulling out the gun, he dashed to where the damn chit was sitting. Pulling her up, he twisted her and drew the gun to her head. "I am through talking! Father. Let us go."
"Bhawani you can come to Suratgarh. We shall talk there." Udaybhaan too was at the end of his tether. He had realised that the talk was not getting him anywhere. The tables had totally turned on him. Looking wildly around, Jaswant pulled Maira roughly along as they drew out of the bungalow. Maira felt fear grip her, as she was dragged through her house... no!no! This could not be happening, she turned to look around, her father was following closely, followed closely by the commisioner. Abhimanyu! Where was he? She needed him. Why couldn't she see him?

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