Chapter four/ feeling unravelled.....

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She looked down ruefully the rain had managed to wet them thoroughly. Her wet saree was glued to her like a body suit. She hadn't really thought much..actually there hadn't been any time to think when they were climbing up. But that they had to climb down that too quietly she didn't know how to do that in a wet saree, First thing first, she had too tie up her saree, so she tied the pallu around her waist and then took the front pleats between her legs and tucked them in the back, giving her more than enough leverage to move about. Holding on to the hefty branch she slowly made her way down. The rain was making it very difficult to keep any kind of grip on the tree surface.
Abhimanyu stepped quietly on to the grass, and looked around to check on the sleeping dacoits. The dacoit sitting on guard was a few trees away thankfully. Abhimanyu turned to look up at Gauri..and he couldn't take his eyes off her. He just couldn't stop staring at her, she was....he didn't know how to describe her....amazing. He reached out and held her as she climbed down the last few feet. The moment seemed to freeze into stillness, as he held her wet body in his arms. He couldn't hide his hunger for her..and her eyes too were burning with a strange fire. Her palms were burning him where they held him in a tight grip. He could feel every inch of her glued to him. Taking a deep breath he tried to calm his erratic nerve but her wet fragrance was even more disturbing. He quickly put her down. They breathed a sigh of relief, as she finally stepped down on to the wet ground. They stood still in each others arms, for a few minutes, afraid to move. The dacoits were sleeping too close to where they were. They stood their looking worriedly at each other. Abhimanyu looked tenderly at the face in front of him. Her safety was of the most importance. He had to get her out of here. They had been very lucky the evening before that the dacoits had seen them. He had thought they would be caught for sure when the some of the dacoits had sought shelter under their tree. But to their luck, the dacoits weren't expecting anyone to be there and had been off guard. They had somehow managed to stay hidden in the foliage of the tree for the part of the night, but he knew how risky it would be if they stay up there till the morning. They just couldn't wait for the dacoits to leave. They would be caught for sure in the morning light. Holding her hand he turned to move but the loud slushing made them pause. Not sure what to do they again looked at each other. But seeing no reaction, Abhimanyu nodded...
"Don't stop...for anything. Just keep walking." He looked down into her eyes. Although it was dark, this close he could clear see her.
Gauri nodded, her heart was thumping so loudly. Her palms were turning numb from fear. Every step sounded so loud, as they turned and started walking away. He needed to get her away, and now was the only chance they had. The rain was falling with full force, any sound they made would get covered in that, he hoped. And it would be hard for the guard to see them in this rain in the dark. This was there only chance! They had to get away! He had to get Gauri to safety! Abhimanyu still couldn't stop the fear from gripping him.
"We will get away." He whispered into her ears, he turned one last time to check on the sleeping dacoits, them without a moment's hesitation he simply took Gauri's hand turning in the opposite direction to where they had come from, he started walking away. His steps faster and faster as they drew a bigger distance between themselves and the dacoits. Gauri looked up at the water still falling down copiously. Although it was making it difficult for them to walk, it also also muffling they footsteps.
"It is ok, don't look back. We are far enough now. They wont be able to see us." Abhimanyu whispered as he kept walking. "But we still need to get away. We need to get to safety."
Gauri simply nodded in understanding. Holding more firmly onto his hand she kept walking behind him. They had been walking sometime time now when Gauri felt her foot give way and she felt a sharp pain in her right foot. A shriek slipped out as she felt her hand ripped away from Abhimanyu's, as she slipped down, tumbling on a wet muddy slope, her body sliding down. A few breathless moments later, she somehow pulled herself up and tried to sit. Her breath coming out in short pants, she blinked as she tried to look around. She sat there helplessly in a muddied pool of water.
"Gauri? Gauri? Are you alright." She looked up in the direction of the voice, she could see Abhimanyu come down slowly. He looked a mess, she knew she looked no better.
"Don't worry, I am fine." But she kept sitting where she was still disoriented from her fall. He came and knelt in front of her, a worried look in his eyes. It was just a few minutes but it felt like longer as she sat there in the muddied water.  She came up gasping for air. She wiped the water from her eyes as she carefully opened her eyes.
Abhimanyu took a deep breath in as he sat up. Shit! What the fuck! He looked around, one minute they had been walking and the next she had tumbled down a slippery mud way. He looked up from where she had fallen. They were in a ditch! Hell it couldn't have gotten worse. Only if the rain would stop for a little while, maybe they could reach the safety of the hut.  He turned and looked at Gauri. Thank God, she seemed fine. He got up and walked over to her.
"Are you alright." He couldn't hide the fear and worry for her in his voice.
She started laughing..... "I don't know..I.I think so.I..j.just when I think we are finely safe, out of danger....something happens again."
Kneeling in front of her he tucked a few errand strand of hair behind her ears, and cupped her face, looking into her beautiful eyes. "Quite a walk this is turning out to be. Huhhh" he asked quirkily, a half smile on his handsome face.
She smiled back, suddenly things didn't seem so bad.
"Lets get out of here." He stood offering his hand for her to get up.
"Do you know where we are?" She pulled herself up. She knew she must be a mess. She suddenly felt so conscious in front of him.
"I am not sure." He couldn't take his eye off the wet nymph. She... how could she look so tempting after all they had been through.
"I..I think we are lost.
"Damn! Damn! Damit!" He suddenly burst out...
"Huh!" She looked at him in surprise.
"Nothing...lets go." Shit he hadn't meant to react like that. He pulled a root, that was jutting out. It seemed strong. It should do. He knelt in front of her.
"Here wrap your arms around my shoulder, and hold on to me, I will try to pull us out of the ditch."
Slowly after many struggles, holding on to each other they made their way up. Standing on the top of the ridge, they looked around , now where to go. Seeing nothing but the darkness all around them, was unnerving. They didn't know in which direction to head now. What they ended up reaching the very place they had run away from.
"I...I am t.tired. Can we rest for sometime, it's too dark anyway, we might fall somewhere worse this time." Gauri didn't want to, but she felt drained.
"Yes!! I think let us find some shelter and wait out the rain, We can leave at first light. At least then we will at least be able to see where we are going."
"Hmmnnn..." Gauri mumbled, to tired to rake even a step forward. "It's not as though we know where we are going...."
"And the dark is not helping." He too was feeling exhausted.
"Lets just wait till morning." He nodded in agreement. " There under that tree. Its kind of dry!"
They were dripping wet, as they ducked under the low lying branch. At least they were out of the rain. The rain had let up. Abhimanyu looked at Gauri worriedly, she was shivering from the wet and cold. Not that he was feeling any better.
"I think we should hold each other to maintain body heat." He spoke hesitatingly not sure of her reaction.
She nodded without looking at him. He moved his arms around her and pulled her closer. Better, but not enough...they were both so wet.
"Your arms! We need to get closer...." he mumbled.
She hesitatingly put her arms around him, his large body enveloping her small one. She snuggled closer, although the the body heat was missing, but a new heat burning strongly down there..Oh! he felt so good. She turned her face slightly to rest on his chest. His shirt was open, letting her peek at his warm skin. Heavens! She felt like licking it with her tongue.
He tried to curb his erratic heart but her closeness was driving him crazy. Damn! He leaned his face back, gulping nervously, suddenly getting close didn't seem like a very good idea. Her nearness was doing crazy things to him. He didn't know how long he could keep himself under control. Her sigh brought his face down. Was she alright. Damn! He had forgotten how she must be feeling. He had only been thinking about himself. He looked down at her, her eyes were closed. He held her more tightly in his arms. She was warming up thank god!
He blew a soft breath, as his lips rubbed against her ear lobe. She snuggled her face into the crook of his neck, as he held her more tightly against himself. His lips rubbing gently against her jaw. Her skin! It was so soft. He wanted to taste her, he..he.. his tongue slowly made a path from her ear lobes to her chin. Till they found her lips, taking the plumb lower lip between his he sucked it. A deep moan broke from deep within him as he drew her closer to him, till their bodied were glued together. His hands seem to have a will of their own, as they learnt every curve of her sensual body, loving the feel of her soft smooth skin against his palm. His lips finding a path of their own, biting rubbing then licking the curvatures of her delicate face. Finally he latched on to her lips sucking him hard as he drew an unknowing response from them. He laid her on the grass as he drew his opened fingers in her hair, lifting her soft neck for him. He licked a spot and then sucked it, loving her sigh.
Gauri's world was in a whirlwind as she felt Abhimanyu's lips and hands wreck havoc to her stretched senses. She had never felt like this before. Her hands couldn't stop exploring every hard inch of him, till they went to the buttons of his shirt. Running her fingers through his hard muscled chest. She shivered delicately as Abhimanyu too quickly removed her blouse. She drew a sharp breath and moaned helplessly ah he gently suckled her tight nipples, loving the feeling of what they were doing to her.
"Abhi!" She moaned again, as he bite first her left nipple then nibbled on her right one.
"I.I, badly." He looked questioningly into her eyes. For a moment she was so still, unsure of what was happening. But the fire in his eyes drew her as nothing ever had. If she was sure of anything in this world, she was sure of how much she wanted this man. She too could no longer control her hunger for him. For now she knew what it was that drew her to him.
She simply drew her fingers into his hair and pulled his face towards hers, in answer....

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