Eleven /things out of control

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"Mangalam bhagawan vishnu
Mangalam garud dhwaja
Managalam pundari kakshaya
Mangalya tannoh hari"
The pandit chanted out loud. Pouring ghee* into the fire. The flames burnt strongly as she some how held on to herself, her hands fisted tightly into each other. Her face was half covered with the dupatta. Tears rolled down her eyes as she helplessly watched herself being tied to a man she detested. He was in for a huge surprise. She was escaping the first opportunity she got, however right now was not the time for it. She held on as she circled the fire with Jaswant walking ahead of her. The pheras* complete she was grateful as they were made to sit, as she wasn't sure how long her feet would hold her up. The nightmare was yet to be over. The pandit continuing with the chants as he handed over the mangalsutra, to the groom. Gauri closed her eyes as she felt his hands go around her neck to tie the chain. She for a moment felt as though she knew his touch. It felt familiar! Abhi? Her eyes flaring open she turned to look at the man sitting next to her. Was it Abhi, she looked at the steady hands as they tied the mangalsutra around her neck. No! Her heart thumping loudly, it couldn't be. The people sitting around them were sitting calmly. Also the two rifled men standing at ease across from her bellied that fact. The Rana had put heavy security all around he was not a fool. Thankfully he did not know about Abhi but he would make sure she couldn't escape. And even if Abhimanyu guesses her where about he will never be able to get in. Tears fell down her cheeks, as she sat there numb as a statue. He won't even know where she was, and she had no means of reaching out to him. Maybe their story was only this much. This marriage was taking everything away from her. Now Abhi was just a wonderful memory, a love buried in the folds of her heart.
She opened her eyes and looked at the man sitting across from the marriage mandap. Rana Udaybhaaan Singh, he sat on a chair, as though sitting on a throne as he watched over the marriage proceedings. He sat there watching like an eagle, a smug smirk on his hard angular face. She was not going to let him win! No! He thought that by forcing her into this marriage he was winning whatever game he was playing, but..he did not know her. She was not some simpering naive girl, who he could easily subdue. She would get away come what may. She looked around at the crowd that stood there, a witness to their marriage. Hers and Jaswants fiasco! Her groom sat next to her, all decked up in his finery. A turban with strings of mogra flowers hanging in front of his face. Hiding him from her, good! She did not want to see his evil face. A face which would make a mockery of these pious rituals. A bond which should be for ever was being made a farce of.
A women came forward and lifted the dupatta and the maang tikka from her forehead, as the pandit handed a coin and a small bowl with red vermillion powder in it. She wished she could wrench her face away and run. But she kept quiet, she needed them to feel that she was agreeing to this marriage. Only them would they let up the guard on her.
"The marriage rituals are complete, Rana Sa." The pandit called out a few minutes later. "They are married as per all the Hindu rites." The Pandit looked at the Rana sitting across from him. The man was a demon, no girl was safe around him. He hoped he had done the right thing. He looked around, no one had noticed anything amis during the rituals, or he wouldn't be sitting alive here. He had a daughter the age of this girl, and he knew how he would feel if she was married against her will. But he was just a poor brahmin, he could hardly do anything to help her, but he prayed and wished to God Vishnu, to help her.
Rana Udaybhaan Singh looked on with satisfaction, the marriage rituals were complete.
"Jaswant! Take your bride to your room. You know what to do! We will complete the remaining rituals tomorrow. I want no doubts about the sanctity of this marriage." He looked with satisfaction as Jaswant nodded, turning towards his bride, he firmly held on to her arm as he pulled her away from the crowd, admits loud ribaldry.
"Make sure no one disturbs them, I want the girl properly bedded." The Rana could be hear calling out loudly.
"The Kuwar Sa is married!" Someone yelled out loud. Followed by gun shots...... it was difficult to tell who was louder. The guns or the celebratory yelling. The courtyard was filled with people. Gauri stood there in front of the sacred fire wishing for a weak moment, that the fire pit was big enough for her to maybe jump into it. She had never felt so weak or drained as she now did. It seemed as though her life was ending. A few days back, she hadn't thought she would end up like this. Married to a man she barely knew, actually hated, wanting to end this whole fiasco so so badly.......
A group of women led them as they walked towards Jaswant's room. Giggling whispering crude jokes. Two women opened the room, looked inside and giggled, as a few more stood behind the couple. The groom pulled the bride. The women followed in, giggling and chattering as they looked at the heavily decorated room. Stands of jasmine hung from the above the bed, while the bed was covered with rose petals as marigold was spread out on the floor. The room was reeking of the floral fragrance.
"Out! Everyone!" The groom rasped, his voice low and guttural. The women started laughing as they whispered lewd comments, looking at the couple, slowly leaving the room. Gauri stood their watching as the women were leaving the room. She looked around wildly, for something, anything she could use as a weapon. There was no way Jaswant was going to touch her. Seeing Jaswant turn and walk to the door, she seized the opportunity, and quickly moved towards the table. There was a knife in the fruit basket, picking it up she clutched it firmly and moved away, hiding the knife in the folds of her dress.
She watched as Jaswant after locking the door, he went and opened the window, and looked out. Seeing the two guards standing down below, he called out, telling them to go. Her palms were sweating as she held on to the knife. She tried to calm her breathing as she saw him turn and come towards her. Seeing her chance, she lifted her arm high up and with all her might attacked Jaswant as he drew close enough.
She couldn't stop the short burst of scream that came out of her mouth as she lost control and fell to the floor.
"Damnit! Gauri stop." A fimiliar voice came out, as she looked up with surprise, and disbelief. She lay there sprawled on the floor as she saw Jaswant removed the turban.
She sat there stunned as she saw him throw the turban away on to the bed, then run his fingers through his hair.
"It's me."
"Abhimanyu?" She still couldn't believe she was seeing him standing in front of her. She still wore the stunned look, as though watching something happening to some one else. Looking at Abhimanyu as he pulled her up.
"Yes! Quick we need to get out of here, before they discover the change." He rushed to the window and looked out. The coast was clear, there was thankfully no one about. "Gauri move, or do you want to stay here and watch them kill me."
She watched him as the whole scene started sinking in.
"I.I don't believe this..was it..did I just marry you? Was it you there in the pheras?"
"Yes!" As he picked up the turban and roughly removed the bed sheet.
"You took the pheras with me?"
"Yes!" He was starting to worry. She still seemed to be in shock. He tore the sheet length wise into three and quickly knotted the stripes into a long rope. Tying one end of the rope to the leg of the bed he threw the other end down from the window. The rope was a little short, but it won't be an issue. They could manage. "Gauri! I will tell you all once we are on the way. Right now we really need to go."
She nodded, still incapable of uttering anything negligible. Standing still as a statue.
"Maira! Maira! We need to move!" His desperation finally got to her. She quickly moved towards the window.
"Wrap your arms tightly around me. I will lower us down. Can you do that."
She nodded as pulled up her heavy saree and tried to climb over the window. The window was too high.
"There is a small ledge on the outside, just below the window. Put your foot on it and hold on. I will help you get over the window ledge."
He held her by her waist as and gently held her, as she lifted her foot and put it across the window sill. Holding on carefully she waited as Abhimanyu too climbed over and stood next to her. She winced as a screech broke into the silence. The bed! It moved with a loud noise, moved again and then stopped. Had the guards heard it. She was sure they had. They could be calling out and might try and break in if they got no reply. It meant they did not have time. She held on firmly, as Abhimanyu slowly lowered them down. Why did it seem to take so long the climb down. She looked down, taking a sigh of relief as they touched the floor a few minutes later.
"Come quick!" He took her arm, as he guided her away from that spot. Maira jumped in panic as she heard a loud breaking noise. She looked wildly around at the courtyard they were standing in. It was brightly light, with large torches. A wall ran the length of the courtyard, a small door ensconced in the far corner. "Shhhh! Just follow me." Abhimanyu didn't stop, he kept running till they reached a small door, a few steps away. They could hear yelling in the room. They could be discovered any minute now. With out even a momentary hesitation, Abhimanyu opened the door and they rushed out even as they heard loud yelling from the direction of the window.
Abhimanyu held her hand firmly as he turned left and ran down an open corridor. This looked like the servants quarters, it was dark, dingy and deserted. Thankfully they did not encounter anyone as they fled through there. Abhimanyu seemed to know the way, as he led unhesitatingly and she followed. She lost track of the way, it was so dark and they kept turning sometimes left or then right. It seemed to take forever, but could not have been more than a few minutes, when he suddenly stopped and looked around. Both of them were breathing hard, from the wild run. Seeing no one around, he walked through, what had looked like a wall, but was a very narrow alley, in between two walls. They were pitched into sudden darkness. She didn't question him for a second, why she knew not. Just the confidence was there that as long as they were together, they would be alright.
They must not have taken more than ten fifteen steps when Abhimanyu suddenly stopped. Not expecting him to, she walked right into him. Feeling herself plastered against his hard male form, she stood still. The feel of her soft supple body plastered to his, stole his breath away. He couldn't move. He couldn't think. He just felt, hot fire, where her feminine form clung to his. He slowly took in broken bits of air, finding it difficult to even breath.
"W..we..ahmmn..I.w.we are almost there." He could feel the gruffness of desire in his voice as he spoke. Forcing himself to move, he stepped forward, as his right hand searched in the dark. They could here voice drawing near, and knew they had to make haste. The palace guards would shortly be upon them. The voices seemed to grow louder by the second. A soft clank, and then a low squeak, made her look around him as she saw a door opening in front of her. He pushed the gate half open and stepped out. She followed behind. She could see now that they were out in the open. The moon was lending its dim light, enough for them to see where they were. No trees!! No nothing. Just a vast openness!But this now was even more dangerous. Inside they were still hidden in the dark camouflage of the buildings, but here they were in the open with nothing to hide behind.
"It is but a short distance away. We need to rush. Keep heart!" It was as though he knew what she was thinking. Saying that he turned to the right and they started running again.
She was starting to tire after sometime, when she looked up and saw dimly burning lights. Sure enough there in the near distance was a cluster of trees, and a few houses around it.
She could see a young boy standing, looking at them as they neared. He looked at them, at their bridal gear and gave a deep sigh.
"Khamma Ghani! Babu Sa." He whispered.
"Khamma Ghani kanhaiya."
"There are too many palace guards around. They have surrounded the whole area. We can not leave as yet."
"What do we do then?" He too could hear loud noise coming from the front side.
"It is not safe for you to be waiting here. Come quickly." He turned and started to walk along the wall into the inner courtyard. They simply followed him. To their right was a big structure, which must be in the front, where all the guards must be. To the left
was a longer structure. He led them to one of the doors. He indicated with his hands for them to wait, as he went around the corner. She looked worriedly at Abhimanyu, the noises from the front were very loud. Not knowing what to do. Thoughts were flying in her head...Who was this boy? Why was he helping them? She however stood there silently, for now was not the time to be asking such questions. She huddled next to Abhimanyu in the dark, waiting for Kanhaiya to come back. She drew in a sigh of relief when just a few minutes later, the boy was back with a ladder. He opened the door of what was the store and stepped inside. He went to the corner of the room and lifting one end of the ladder put it against a corner beam in the ceiling, he climbed up and pushed at what seemed to be the wall. It gave way, inwards.
"It is a small room, that no one knows about. Only my baba and me! You should be safe here, Babu. I will come to get you when it is safe. Hide here till then." He whispered softly.
"You go up first, I am behind you, don't worry." Abhimanyu held on to the ladder, as Maira took wobbly steps up. Slowly she climbed up till she had reached the top. Carefully holding on to the frame of the small latch door, she took a step in.
"Did you get what I asked you to get." The boy nodded as he went to the door and picked up two bundles lying on top of some sacks.
"Here, this is what you asked for." Handing Abhimanyu the first bundle. "And this bundle has some food. You both must be hunger. There are a few blankets in there. It is not much, but you should be safe there till the guards leave. I shall come back as soon as they do. There is a lamp in there, but I wouldn't burn it the light..it seeps through. If could be dangerous if someone were to see it."
"Thank you Kanhaiya, my friend." Smiling gratefully Abhimanyu climbed up and into the room. Kanhaiya removed the ladder and put some sack where the ladder had been, taking the ladder he went out and shut the door of the store.

Maira sat at the edge just inside of the door and looked in to the room. She couldn't see much, and waited for Abhimanyu to come up. That there was barely any light made the space feel even more smaller, and there was no window either. One she got use to the darkness in the room, she could see bits of moonlight filtering in through small gaps where the sloping roof and wall met. A rolled bedding lay on one side on the floor, a covered pot of water nest to it. Abhimanyu put the two bundles next to it on the floor.
"We shall be safe here for the time being." He turned and looked at her, the roof seem to be touching his head, inspite of the fact that he was bending forward a bit. Suddenly the room seemed even more smaller.
"You need to.." he looked at her and suddenly conscious of where they were, how tiny the space it was... "y.you ahm.there is a change of clothes. It is your bag, wear the shirt and trouser. I think it is better, incase some sees you. From far you will pass for a boy. You change first, I'll change after you, if that is alright.  I.I..I am sorry, there is no place for me to go t.to.I'll turn round."
She nodded her cheeks burning as she stood there and watched him pass her canvas bag to her. Then he turned the rolled up bedding a bit and sat down on it, his back to her.
How was she to remove her clothings in this small space, and that to with Abhi next to her. Conscious of his presence, her cheeks flaming she turned her back to him, and removed her saree. Folding it a into a large square, she spread it on the floor. Removing her jewellery one by one she put it on the folded saree. Then she put her hands back to untie the knot of her blouse , but it seem to be stuck. She tried tugging again, but it just would not give way.
"Abhi.." she turned a bit and looked at him sitting behind her.
"Hmmn.." he did not turn.
"I need help. I.I am stuck." She could feel her cheeks burning again. He turned to look at her.
"My blouse..the strings..I th.think it is knotted, i.it won't open." God! She wished she could disappear.
He got up and turned standing behind her. She held her breath as his fingers touched the bare skin of her back. She drew a sharp breath in. It was suddenly as though there was no air in the room. He seemed to be tugging at the cords, his fingers burning her where they touched. She felt the loss of his touch, as he moved his hand away. She kept standing there, her hands clutched to her chest, she had absolutely no control over the feeling rampaging in her. But somehow she held on, he could not know how easily he effected..how much he disturbed her...take a deep breath Maira..breath..relax....
He drew in a deep gulp, as he looked at her exposed back. The shimmering light of the lamp, adding a soft glow to her beautiful skin. He stood there looking entranced, his hands quivering, wanting to touch her, run his fingers over her. His body was burning with the fire she ignited so effortlessly in him. He stood there feeling at a total loss of control, as desire wound his body into knots.
"It is done." His voice sounded so gruff. "I.Uhm..You can change." He turned and sat down relieved at the small distance that was still there between them. A few more minutes and he knew he wouldn't have been able to control what would have ensued. As it was, the reaction in his lower body was painful enough, he just hoped he could take it. He could hear her changing, her fragrance wafting to him, mixing with the woody smell of the room, it..it smelled amazing. She always smelt of roses, when had he come to associate the smell with her or even like it so much.

The loose sand made it difficult to walk, as they trudges along. They had been walking for sometime now, maybe an hour. Abhimanyu turned and looked at Maira, she was walking close behind him. The large shirt almost engulfed her, a smile tugging at his lips. She did look so cute. He looked about as he shifted the bundle he was carrying over his shoulder. The light was starting to break through, they had maybe an hour or less before the sun rose.
"We need to hurry, the day is starting to break."
"You haven't told me yet, where we are going."
"Just there." He pointed straight ahead. "We need to go around this hill. It is just a short walk, we should be there in a few more minutes." There had barely walked another half an hour or so when he called out. "There it near that cluster of bushes. Prakash should be waiting for us. Maira nodded as she came and stood next to Abhimanyu. They looked around, trying to decipher things.
"There!" He said, then holding her hand he started running towards the bushes. By now she could see the car parked, just ahead of them. Prakash was sitting on the bonnet of a navy blue Doge Kingsway. Hearing them approach he got off the car. He waved at them as they came nearer. Giving Maira a big smile. Abhimanyu passed the bundle over to him, as he went and sat in the driver's seat. Maira slid in next to him, while Prakash dumped the bundle in the dickey and slid in behind. Soon they were on their way.

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