Chapter 1

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Soft metallic clanks echoed in the large living room of a dark mansion, along with friendly chatters. The sound was coming from a dark boned skeleton who was well known as Error Sans, Destroyer of AUs, across all the Multiverse. What such a terrible being was doing, you might ask.

The Destroyer was knitting. Simple as that. The skeleton feared by all was knitting, a soft smile adoring his face while he listened to his friends' childish banters.

One of his close friends, an energetic skeleton cloaked of blue, whose name was coincidently Blue, was the one for who he was knitting. See, the young –well, young for Error, but with all the Resets UnderSwap experimented, maybe that statement was wrong– skeleton's birthday was soon –he couldn't really say how soon, he was bad with time, but he made sure to put a reminder on his phone so that wouldn't be a problem– , and his dear bandana was destroyed in an... Unfortunate accident including glitters, the King of Negativity's goop and, somehow, a flamethrower. Therefore, Error thought it would be nice to make a new scarf for his friend. He knew Blue didn't like to have his neck uncovered because of the many Genocide Runs were he got his head cut off by his human. He had a slight scar on his neck because of those Runs.

The new scarf was simple for Error; a baby blue scarf with some specks of dark blue accompanied by white stars and a nice snow-looking gradient at the end. Fairly easy to make for the Destroyer, who used his dear strings, changing their color to fit with the idea he had in mind, but he knew Blue would like it... At least he hoped he would. He finally finished it and opened a one-way portal to some random store on the Surface of a Pacifist AU –he didn't really care which one, all that mattered was that there was what he was looking for–, grabbing what he needed to wrap his gift before closing the portal.

Still not paying attention to the persons with him in the living room, the black boned skeleton started wrapping his gift, putting the scarf with a puppet of the blue skeleton that he previously made as a second gift. When done, he smiled and opened a portal to his ho-... His prison; the Anti-Void. He then placed the neatly wrapped present on some on his strings decorating the nonexistent sky of the white hell, so it could be hidden if Blue decided to come see him.

Once that was done, he closed the portal without listening to the Voices of the Anti-Void who tried to scream at him to do his job and got up and turned around, finally noticing that the discussions of his friends had stopped and that they were all behind him, previously observing him knit Blue's scarf. They all looked at each other, now that they were caught in the act, and smiled nervously.

"Heyyy Error... Want some chocolate...?" said a monochrome skeleton named Cross, slightly panicked because he and his comrades had been caught stalking the big brother figure of the team. He wasn't sure that Error would appreciate it, and was ready to sacrifice his beloved chocolate to save his nonexistent ass.

Error sighed, waving his hand in a "no problem" gesture, not without taking the chocolate of course. His love for the sugary treat was well known after all. "WhY wERe YoU AlL wAtChiNg Me?"

A skeleton with a big hole on the left side of his skull smiled slightly before answering. "Well... We like to watch you knit... You always seem so calm... And happy... It makes us happy to see you like this, sorry Error." His claim was followed by the three other skeletons nodding in agreement. The next one to talk was a skeleton with black tears running from his black eye sockets and a target –his soul– in front of his chest. That was Killer. "That was for Blue's birthday?"

Error simply nodded. Finally, the last skeleton in the room, who was wearing a hoodie with its hood up and was slightly covered of dust –Monster Dust, of course–, more so then the others –Horror being mostly covered of blood rather than Dust actually– spoke. "I'm sure he will be very happy. He'll love it, no doubts!" Error laughed. "I CerTaInLY HOpE So, HeH."

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