Chapter 21

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Things were tranquil for a few weeks after the kidnapping incident. Cross decided to name himself Blade after almost cutting Gaster with the blade of one of his knives, almost scaring the poor man to death. Not very original, but he had no idea on how to call himself and he thought it sounded good enough. Reaper opted for Demise. Close enough to his ancient name without being 'Death', which he deemed to be too cliché for a God of Death. It took some time for everyone to get used to the new names, but they did eventually. The three Gods and Blade also grew quite fond of Gaster and his sons during this time. They also decided that Blade would be Torment's dragon and Demise would be Drako's. The choice was made purely randomly since none of them cared about who they would be paired with.

During those few weeks, Drako trained himself to be able to control his crystallization while in dragon form, as well as his elemental magic. It took him a while for the crystallization, but he managed to control it. But he still isn't confident enough to try to use it outside of the Anti-Void, despite all of Psyche's praises and encouragements. He didn't want to accidentally hurt someone with it. He knew that he could take away the crystallization but he didn't want to know what would happen if he somehow turned someone into a crystal statue, even if only for a few seconds.

Demise also trained himself to be able to control his deadly touch fully. He did well, and was now able to touch people without freezing in fear of killing them. He was extremely happy of it. The others soon discovered how cuddly the God of Death truly was, and they could all agree that it was adorable. Of course, they understood why Demise was so affectionate and were happy to drown him in affection, which only made the God of Death happier.

Once his dragon training was done, Drako tried to see if Demise and Blade had gained new abilities with their new appearance. All tests were unsuccessful. The only thing that they hadn't test out yet was the elements. Well, if they had this element-based ability, it surely wasn't bound to the vegetation, unlike Drako. They decided to test it out once everything else would be under control by going into other AUs, like Torment did with Drako while they were searching for his element.

"ArE We GoINg In ThE sAmE AUs As THe LaST TiME?" Drako asked while petting his now associate dragon, who was purring in happiness. "I guess, yes? It should be easier anyway; we just have two small dragons, not a huge one like last time. We won't attract as much attention... Even if we managed not to meet anyone last time." Drako hummed, shrugging slightly. "We StIlL LOOk LiKE OuR CoUNTerPaRTs, If We CrOSS The PaTH Of ANY sAnSEs, We WiLl pRoBAblY HaVE PrOBlEMs." Blade looked up at the mention of his old name. He still wasn't totally used to the change of identity...

"It's not like you can do anything about it. I mean, Torment can take his passive form, but Dream probably could still recognize him and you... Well you can't modify your appearance. And no, your dragon form doesn't count. Plus, we will need to meet them one day, even if only when Dragontale will meet the other universes. The sooner, the better, I guess. We wouldn't want a fight to break out when the others will come here in a few years. We're already lucky enough that Karma and Destiny put us in a young universe." Drako sighed. Demise was right, but it didn't mean that he was less afraid. He got used to be attacked by everyone in their old Multiverse; of course he would be afraid of seeing alternate versions of them!

He felt Psyche pat his head gently. "Hey, everything will be alright Glitchy! You're not the Destroyer here, even if you look like Error. They have absolutely no reason to attack you, and even if they did, you four can take the whole Multiverse down in a snap of your fingers!" He smiled a little, silently thanking Psyche. Torment put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Drako, we're with you. We probably won't even meet anyone today, so relax."

Drako nodded and let out a sigh. They were right; he wouldn't be able to avoid seeing familiar faces, even if he wanted to. "AlRiGHt, WhICH AU fIRsT?" Torment hummed, thinking. "What about Dusttale to start? We are sure that we won't meet anyone here, so it might be good to calm you down a bit." The ex-Destroyer nodded and opened a portal to the AU, leading directly toward Hotland this time. All of them suppressed their aura, just in case. It would attract people if their auras were felt in a supposedly deserted AU.

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