Chapter 35

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In the end, they chose to spend the two days that they had before the meeting with Nightmare's gang in Dragontale, and to maybe –they still weren't sure– go in an AU on the third day's morning. They already met a lot of persons since they started visiting the Multiverse, and they didn't feel like accidently meeting Ink –they didn't really care about Dream. Sure, they didn't particularly like him but their hate was more oriented toward the Creator. Their Dream was just a blind follower in the end– before the meeting's date. Drako was still shocked by their unexpected encounter with him and needed to wait a bit before envisaging to try and meet the Creator again.

Or rather, it was the plan for now. Maybe they would change their mind later. Truth to be told, they weren't sure themselves of what they were going to do during three days. For now, they wanted to stay in Dragontale for a bit. Which was surprising in itself, as they just spent a month in said AU as a punishment, but they liked to spend time with their family, now that they actually had the time to do so.

This is what got them to where they actually were; in a clearing, eating a picnic with their father and brothers while Drako somehow decided that it was a good idea to hang upside down from a nearby tree. He was watching the surroundings as if searching for any threat. Nothing unusual there.

It was nice. The picnic was accompanied by light chatting mostly coming from Papyrus –surprisingly, the little one never went out of things to say... Then again, it might not really be surprising coming from a Papyrus–. It created a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere that helped the four brothers from the other Multiverse calm down greatly. It reminded them that they didn't have to fight for their lives anymore, and they were happy about it.

"Oh and Chara then dared Undyne to invite Alphys to her house... She didn't want to do it, but Chara started saying that she was too scared to talk to her... Her... Crat...?" Papyrus paused, frowning. What did Chara call it again?

Demise chuckled and shook his head. "Did you want to say 'crush'?" The Babybone perked up, nodding rapidly and pointing excitedly toward Demise. "Yes! That was the word! Thank you big bro!" Demise nodded with a small smile while Papyrus continued what he was previously saying. "So Chara said that and Undyne was so so mad!"

"I'm almost certain that her skin turned red instead of blue!" Sans added, his tail waving happily behind him while his brothers snickered at the mental image. "And after that, Undyne went straight toward Alphys and screamed at her that she was invited at her house tonight and that she better come or Undyne will come all the way to her house and bring her herself!... Weirdly, Alphys was also all red and couldn't talk..." He gasped, seeming shocked. "Do you think that she was angry at Dydy?!"

Blade and Demise laughed at how pure and oblivious their younger brother sounded and shook their head, letting Torment answer for them while Drako just looked at them in amusement. "No, I think that it's the opposite actually; she really likes your friend and was very happy." Papyrus tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows. "People becomes red when they're happy?"

Sans giggled, understanding what Torment implied unlike his younger brother. "No, they don't, unless they are in love with the person like those two are." Papyrus gasped, his confusion replaced by excitement. "DOES THAT MEAN THAT DYDY AND ALPHYS WILL MARRY WITH EACH OTHER?!"

Gaster chuckled, gently rubbing his son's head. "Probably, when they will be older." The youngest of the family squealed in happiness, seeming to vibrate in joy on his spot on the tablecloth on which their picnic was placed. "OH MY SPAGHETTIS!! I NEED TO SEE THIS!! THIS WILL BE SO CUTE!!"

And thus, Papyrus' fanboy side came out in the open for everyone to see while he was gushing over his new OTP –term that he learned from Alphys, by the way– .

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