Chapter 42

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Once it was lunch time, Gaster could officially claim that he knew Vibrant. Or rather, that he knew enough for Vibrant to not be qualified as a total stranger that somehow settled in his house and became his son. Oh how Grillby was going to make fun of him when he would learn that he already adopted a new kid... But, hey! At least it was the last one, as they weren't expecting anyone else from their old Multiverse! And thanks Toby Fox for that, as Gaster didn't think that he could adopt any more child without seeming like a compulsive adopter, which wasn't really how he wanted to make himself known in his AU despite it being somewhat accurate.

And Grillby would never let him hear the end of it... Yeah, he wasn't ready for the fire elemental's teasing. He was the only one who knew just how horrible Grillby could be when he had some teasing material. He would probably dust before Grillby left him alone with all of his kids. Oh Toby Fox, he was doomed, wasn't he? And he could definitively not hide the new addition of his family, firstly because he was damn proud of his parasite of a kid –yes, already–, and secondly because it wouldn't be nice for Vibrant. Plus, they would end up knowing about him anyway, and he was quite hard to hide, considering how noticeable he was. Oh well, he was ready for the teasing... Or as ready as he could be. Which wasn't a lot, but he would manage. Surely, Grillby wouldn't tease him that much, right...?

Oh, who was he kidding, of course he would. But it was okay, he didn't regret adopting his chaotic sons. Plus, they made Sans and Papyrus happy, and it was all that he could ever ask for. He could take the teasing; it wasn't that that would kill him. And he still had those high school compromising files on the fire elemental, in case it went to that. What? Of course he would keep those and use them if necessary! Grillby probably did the same anyway, there was no reason to be ashamed. And no, he wasn't being petty at all. Definitely not.

Gaster sighed and shook his head slightly, effectively getting out of his thoughts and finishing to wash the dishes. Why did he have to think about how much the fire elemental was going to tease him already? It wasn't doing him any good; quite the opposite, he was now scared of Grillby learning about the new addition to his family, which he knew would happen soon, as he often visited Grillby with his sons. Yep, he was done.

"So... Are you ready to meet your counterparts and the others?" He might as well take his mind of the threat represented by the dark fire elemental for now. Drako shrugged, not really caring. Granted, it was awkward, but he already met Error so he was ready. Torment was less. "This Nightmare better be worthy of his title and name if he doesn't want to get stabbed." Yeah, Torment was still a bit bitter that he had to abandon his name and title –even if he was and still considered himself as the King of Negativity, thank you very much– for his counterpart. Well, he didn't really abandon his title, but he couldn't introduce himself with it anymore, sadly.

Gaster chuckled and affectionately rubbed Torment's head. "I doubt that he could be a 'Nightmare' as great as you were, Torment." Torment puffed his chest in pride, his tentacles swaying happily behind him because of the praise. Gaster wasn't sure if it was a good idea to feed the King's ego, but knowing how much he went through, it was the least that he could do to make his baby –once again, don't let it be known that he thought that– happy.

Vibrant smirked, leaning against the wall while his glasses showed the word 'READY'. "I can't wait to meet those radical versions of 'em! Maybe dat my awesome counterpart will even come if he learns dat there's a mini him roamin' around the radical Multiverse!" Which was honestly possible; Freshs knew everything after all. He probably already knew about his 'mini self', as Vibrant said. The colorful parasite was strangely okay with being called a 'mini Fresh', unlike Torment and Drako who were annoyed for being called mini versions of their counterparts. Anyway, they wouldn't be surprised if Fresh suddenly joined them, or just made an appearance at some point.

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