Chapter 46

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Once that the little family was done torturing feeding Drako, the brothers went back to UnderSwap to talk with Blue, even if a bit reluctantly. The little skeleton was overjoyed to see that they actually came back, which made Torment cringe slightly because of the positivity that he was emitting. Blue actually thought that they wouldn't come back, honestly, but he was happy to be proven wrong. He didn't need to know that the brother seriously considered never coming back and almost ended up having a breakdown once back in the safety of their home.

Of course, the first thing Blue asked was if Drako ate a proper meal, which he thankfully did, otherwise the UnderSwap native skeleton would probably have shoved a tacos down his throat. He said that while laughing, as if it was a joke, but Drako knew better than to laugh with his brothers at this comment. Their Blue already did that, after all. He went way too far to feed him; orchestrating a fake kidnapping and chaining him up –where did he even find the chains anyway?– to feed him his damn tacos. He spent hours apologizing for the panic attack that Drako had this day, as well as his crash. But hey, in the end, he ate the tacos!

And Blue spent the next few days doing everything that he could to make Drako happy –or at least more than usual, as his life's goal was to make this depressed gang happier, which wasn't easily done– and feel safe. Which wasn't much, as he still needed to put himself in danger while he was destroying, but Drako was still very thankful for it. And made him promise not to do that ever again. Thankfully, Blue kept his promise, but definitively joined the gang in the chase to force-feed him, even if more discreetly because of the Council. Which wasn't a problem; he was a Blue after all, if he wanted to be sneaky, he had no problem doing it.

So yeah, this Blue's joke was taken very seriously by Drako, who cringed silently. He was going to be very careful with this Blue from now on... And with the gang, too, because he was certain that Blue would tell Error, and if Horror learned that he didn't eat, the hole-headed skeleton would probably snap like their Horror did back in their old Multiverse. And when that happened, the Horrortale native skeleton almost forced him to eat everything that was in the kitchen; which was a great proof of affection, as it was well known that Horror didn't particularly like to share his food after everything he went through in his AU. But he also hated it when his loved ones didn't have a proper meal. He, out of anyone else, would know what starvation did to Monsters, and he didn't wish this for anyone.

They also met Stretch, who was... Oddly nice? They expected to be attacked by the Swap Papyrus, but he was really chill with them, uncaring that they were younger versions of Error, Nightmare and Fresh. They didn't know if Blue had forced him to be nice with them or if, for some reason, the lanky skeleton got along with the gang –and Fresh, but even in their Multiverse, Stretch didn't care about the parasite as long as he didn't try to do anything to Blue–, but this was a nice surprise. He even offered them some honey, surprisingly enough. Stretch was surprisingly nice with them, and they could almost assume that they were now friends with the orange wearing skeleton. Almost; they were still a bit distrustful, but it was to be expected.

Blue also joined the list of people wanting to adopt them –seriously, why did everyone want to adopt them?–, proclaiming that he wanted to be their uncle. Just like with Killer, they quickly realized that the blue clad skeleton wouldn't take 'no' as an answer... So they had a new uncle now... Did that mean that Stretch was also their uncle? Everything was so confusing; their family kept getting bigger and made less and less sense.

They still didn't know how to consider the gang... Were they also their uncles? Somehow? Why couldn't they just want to be friends instead of adopting them?! "Because you're all too cute to not be adopted."

'This is the dumbest reason that you could ever come up with. It makes no sense! And we're not cute, we're chaotic.' He felt Psyche roll their eyes inside of his SOUL, smiling in amusement. Their brother really needed to accept that he was cute... Even if the chaotic part wasn't really wrong; they really were after all.

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