Chapter 9

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"MiStAKe MaYbE?" Error proposed an umpteenth possible name.

"No! Are you insulting yourself on purpose?!" Psyche asked, aggravated by his propositions, that were all insulting toward himself. 'Damn it, this child needs to love himself more!'

"In CaSe YoU fOrGoT, I cAn HeAR yOu. AnD I'M nOt A cHiLD, I'M eOnS oLd." Error replied simply, not seeing the problem with his ideas. "I don't care, you still need to love yourself! You only proposed insults!"

"WeLl ThAt'S HoW pEoPlE cALlEd Me BaCk HomE, I Don'T SeE tHe ProBLem." He truly didn't. He sighed, thinking once again. "AnD wHaT dO yOu tHiNK aBoUT DrAKo? Y'knOW, SiNCe I'm A dRaGoN aNd AlL."

Psyche stayed silent for a few seconds, before a clapping sound resonated in his SOUL. "Yes! Drako is a good name!" Error –now Drako– smiled happily after hearing this. They had been discussing what his new name should be for the past hours, and Psyche seemed to particularly dislike his ideas until now. Not that he saw the problem with them, everyone called him like this in his Multiverse, so it was probably good names, no?

Well not for Psyche apparently. They were quite happy that the Deities created them to help Drako, otherwise this idiot would have called himself something insulting, like 'Mistake'. Thank Toby Fox he ended up finding something not insulting toward himself.

Drako smiled softly, happy to finally have a new name for this Multiverse. It wasn't the most original of names, but he liked it in the end so he didn't care. Drako looked up toward the sky and sighed softly. "It'S ALrEadY NiGhT?"

"Yep! The training took a lot of the day. What do you plan to do for the night?" Drako thought for a few minutes before shrugging. "I dON'T kNow, WaLk? oR MaYbE FlY aRoUnd? I sTiLL nEeD To GeT UsEd To My DrAgOn FoRm aND MoSt MoNSTeRs ArE pRoBaBLY ALrEadY AsLeEp sO FiNdInG a ViLlAgE WoUlD Be UsELEsS." Psyche hummed softly in response.

"You could go back to the clearing where you met those earth wolves? It had enough space for you to land easily, since you still need to get used to this body." Drako nodded before looking around. "ThAT WoUld Be NiCe, BuT WhErE wAs It AgAiN? I dIdN'T rEaLlY pAiD aTTeNtIoN To WhErE I WaS gOiNg..."

Psyche sighed. "Of course you didn't... Well you can always try to find it by walking or flying, no? Maybe you'll find an even better spot, who knows?" He shrugged. He was okay with walking around or trying to fly if necessary.

And thus, Drako started to walk into the jungle, but having this time a destination in mind. Not like he couldn't get away if he ever got lost; he had his portals and teleportations. But he'd rather walk, since he could now enjoy the scenery without fearing that a certain artist slam suddenly an oversized paintbrush into his skull. Plus, he had a feeling things wouldn't be as tranquil as he would like forever, so he was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

He talked about random things with Psyche, appreciating the little Voice's personality, that seemed to differ from his more as time went. It was nice, he didn't have the feeling of talking to a simple part of him, but really to someone else that only he could hear... Almost like Cross and his Chara, since most couldn't hear or see the ghost child. That comparison made his SOUL ache a little at the thought of his family, but he couldn't do anything except hope that Destiny and Karma would be able to lead them to him. He didn't like not being in control of the situation, but he could only hope right now. But it also brought up a new thought to him. "HeY pSyChE?"

Said Voice only hummed in response, listening to what Drako was going to say. "CoUlDN't We MaKe YoU a BoDY oR SoMeTHInG wItH mAgIc? Y'KnOw, LiKe XcHaRA HaS a BoDY dEspItE BeIng A gHOst." He felt Psyche shrug in his SOUL. "I honestly don't know what could be done with me. I know that if our bound was to be cut off, I would cease to exist, and that my purpose is to guide and accompany you through this new chance to life, but other than that, I don't know much. I know that I don't really have a SOUL since I'm a part of yours, but that's enough for me to actually feel unlike InkyBitchy. Maybe that's possible, but I don't know how to do that. It is probably possible actually but I don't think anyone would be able to see me even if I had a ghost appearance, unlike you who can see ghosts most of the time. Perhaps while you'll train your dragon magic, I'll try to form a ghost of myself... It mustn't be THAT hard, right?"

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