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George's POV-

People assume being the only boy on the cheer team is awkward, embarrassing and something that shouldn't be allowed, but I couldn't disagree more. If I wasn't allowed to wear the skirt that come too far up my legs so my arse is showing, or put eyeliner and lipgloss on before football matches, or be surrounded with the most talented girls ever, I don't know what I would do with myself.

Not only this, but the feeling of being shot in in the air, spinning almost like I'm out of control, wind brushing through my short fluffy hair, I wouldn't change it for the world, no matter how many names I am called, or the looks I get from certain people in the crowd. The people who support me are my true friends and soon enough you learn to block everyone else out, like a small speck of sand, they become unnoticeable.

Being my last year of high school, I had the chance to become something I have only dreamed of, the cheer captain. When I was given this opportunity, I was so overjoyed, and the fact Nikki was able to share this experience with me was even better. So not only was I a flyer on the cheerleading team, I was also the one to make up routines, help out wherever I could, and put a small sparkle in each and everything I did for the team.

This year was going to be the best.

'Ok ladies! Thank you all for showing up to cheer tryouts! We have 15 spots available for the team this year and 30 people here to try and claim them. Remember, you can always try out again next year if you don't make it, but also have fun! Don't focus on anything else but having fun this afternoon, you will regret it if you don't!' I was trying to lift everyone's spirits the best I could before tryouts, even though we do have to let everyone know there are only a certain number of spots on the team. This is harder than I thought..

'You girls will be tested on 4 things, strength, flexibility, memorising and repeating a short simple routine and chanting. Without further ado, let's get started!' Nikki says, showing the girls to the first course.

After 2 hours of non-stop training and discussing, we have finally decided who will be joining the team. It was a hard decision to make, but it's what we had to do. We were happy we could get the news out to everyone whilst they were still at tryouts so they wouldn't have to wait for the results. It was sad to have to tell some girls they didn't make it, but Nikki was the best at being positive about it and making them look on the bright side, what would I do without her?

'Alright ladies! You all did amazing today, for those who made the team, if you could stay behind a little while so we can take your measurements to get all of the uniform you will need, that should be here by Friday, so once again, come here after school Friday to collect your uniforms and pom-poms. Also, first practice of on Monday at 5pm, but we will discuss that more on Friday.'

As soon as everyone left, me and Nikki started to pack up, taking the pom-poms and weights back to the storage locker. We went over time a little bit for tryouts, so halfway through packing up, the football team came onto the field, they stood the other side of the field, so no awkward interactions. It's not like I cared though, I literally dance in front of them and 200 other people at each game.

Me and Nikki are walking to the storage locker with the last of the weights, I got a little distracted by a joke she had told me and bumped into a very tall and toned dude. (Very cliché) Of course I made a fool out of myself and dropped the weight onto my toes.

'Ahh- shit!' I pick my foot up from the floor, slightly hopping up and down as if it would ease the pain, it didn't of course.

'Oh my God, I'm sorry, are you ok?' He says, he put his hand on my shoulder to help balance me as my foot was still slightly elevated.

'Sorry, my bad, I got distracted, did I hurt you?' I ask him genuinely concerned. I look at Nikki who is struggling to contain her laughter at this awkward sight. She pick up the small weight off the floor and heads towards the storage locker. For gods sake Nikki, when I need you the most.

'Hurt me? Dude you couldn't hurt a fly, but thanks for the concern, I'm ok,' he laughs. He looks me in the eyes. I examine his features for a second.

-Tall, about 6 foot 3"
-Dirty blonde hair, falls just below his eyebrows
-Slightly tanned skin
-Big pink lips
-Teeth pure white
-Freckles across his defined cheekbones and masculine nose
-Sharp jawline
-The most gorgeous green eyes, almost like I was looking deep into a rainforest

Shit, snap out of it George. 'Hey that's not nice. I could hurt you if I tired really hard,' this send him into a laughing fit, what I said wasn't that funny but, ok..?

'Ok- ok' he wipes a tear from his eye, 'I'm Clay by the way, everyone calls me Dream though, don't even ask why. Your George right?'

He knows my name, WHAT?! Lord take me now.

'Yeah I'm George, how did you know?'

'Everyone has heard of you, you seem pretty cool. I also see you in the football games when you do cheer, you're really good. You like fly through the air like it's nothing.'

I giggle, 'thanks, you're not bad at football yourself.'

'Wanna hang out sometime George, I'd like to get to know you more, maybe I'd even let you teach me some cheer.' He smiles at me looking down almost to avoid eye contact.

'I'd love that, when should we meet up?' He takes the bag off his shoulder and takes out his phone, he gives it to me so I can put in my number which I have no objection to.

'I'll text you after practice Georgy!' He pats my shoulder and heads to the field. Oh my lord, he's so damn cute.

I see Nikki standing in the distance smirking.

'Did you get yourself a man 'Georgy'' she says in a mocking tone.

'Shut up Nikki' I giggle back, we link arms and walk back to the field entrance where our bags lay. I look into the field one last time and spot Dream staring at me. He winks sending me into a state of gay panic and fluster. I blush as I am pulled away by Nikki, heading to her car.

'I give it to the end of next week, you two will be all over each other and dating by a week Friday.'



1203 words

I am so tired rn, I'm going to sleep and will post another chapter tomorrow!

Fly high -Dreamnotfound high school auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang