This better be worth it

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George's POV-

Who the hell hit me over the head with a hammer? I groan and sit up, clutching my head. My eyes are still closed because of the light in my room being too bright. What even happened last night?

'Good morning sleeping beauty.' Dream says from my bathroom door, I'm assuming he has just brushed his teeth or something. I let out a groan in response, gently laying back into my pillow.

'George, take these you will feel better soon.' Dream hands me 2 pain medication pills and a glass of water.

I immediately swallow the pills and drink the water and hurry my head back into the pillow.

'Georgie, you should get up, it will make you feel better. And not to mention your very annoyed mother is waiting downstairs for you. She wants to 'have a word' about your 'behaviour' last night.' He giggles at the end of the sentence.

'So basically, I'm screwed?' I mumble into the pillow. He nods his head and falls into a fit of hysterical laughter, which I may add I did not find amusing.

'We better go down, the longer I wait the worse it will be, that's how my mum rolls.' I sigh and throw my legs out of the warm duvet, the cold air from my window making my hairs stand up on end. That reminds me I gotta shave.. No George that's out of context, you must brace yourself for whatever punishment Ms. Crueller-Devil has planned for you.

I sluggishly walk down the stairs, Dream closely behind. I can hear him sniggering which really pushes my buttons.

'Good morning mum.' I say walking up to the barstools in the kitchen. I rest my head on the cool kitchen counter which does not help this awful migraine of mine.

'Let's cut to the chase and enjoy our day is it?' She says sternly as she stands in front of me. I can feel Dream holding back a laugh behind me.

'You tell me you're going to a party as you leaves and come back past midnight, completely drunk, Clay having to practically carry you in! Since when have you been like this George? I am very disappointed. You said you would be responsible yet here you are drinking way too much way under the age requirements. I have taught you to do better than this. But... I am only grounding you for a week, and your friends can still come over. This is because you are a teenager and you need to live. I did the same thing as you when I was your age. I do not want it to happen again, if it does the punishment will be way worse than this ok?'

'Uhh, yeah that's fine. Thanks and sorry mum.?' I'm really confused. She would never let me off this easily. I'm not complaining though.

She sets down 2 plates of pancakes for me and Dream and we do not hesitate to tuck in. Soon after we are finished and Dream sadly has to go home because his parents have made plans for the day, but he promised to call me this evening.

The day slowly went by as I waited for the phone call off Dream. 5pm, 6pm, 7pm.. god what's taking so long?! Finally at 8:30pm I get a phone call from him.

'Hey Dream-'

'George I'm sorry it took so long for me to call you, I have been really busy up until now.'

'It's fine baby, don't worry about it I understand! How was your day anyway?'

'It's been nice, but like I said, quite busy. Talking about being busy, are you free I have a surprise!'

'Dream I'm grounded and cannot leave the house or have anyone over after 6pm, of course I'm not busy. But I am a dead man if my mum finds out your over or I'm gone.'

'Are you willing to take that risk Georgie?' He asks

'Well, it depends what's in it for me.'

'You will find out very soon. I will be in your back garden in 10 minutes, be ready, it's cold out by the way so wrap up warm.'

'Okay.. be safe Dreamie.'

'Love you baby!' He hangs up. I rush to my closet and try and dig out a cute outfit. My hair and makeup was already done just in case Dream wanted to face time me, which worked out because we are actually going somewhere now instead. I finally dig out a cute outfit leaving only a couple of minutes to put it on. (He is wearing a white t-shirt, light-washed jeans and a blush pink coat. This isn't relevant but just for context XD)

I slip on my shoes and grab my phone. Now I just gotta think of something to keep my mum away from my room. 'Mum! I'm going to bed now I'm tired after yesterday, I didn't get the best sleep. Goodnight!' Hopefully she won't come and check on me.

'Okay goodnight George!' She shouts back. I run back into my room and plan my 'escape'. I open the window completely (they are the windows that slide up and down like in most movies when people sneak out) and prop a stick underneath it, so if it was to some how close, I could still get back in because of the small gap that would still be there.

'Well I may as well go down now, meet Dream down there.' I speak to myself in a small whisper. I put my phone in my pocket and make my way out of the window backwards. I grip onto the windowsill so I don't fall, kicking onto the side of the house to give myself some momentum. I jump back and land on my feet thankfully. I used to do this a lot which is how I know what to do.

I smile when I look up and see Dream looking down at me with a shocked look on his face. He holds out his hand to help me up which I gladly accept.

'I thought you would need help getting down.' He whispers knowing my mum is still awake.

'I used to do that all of the time, but it's also my hobby to like fly through the air and do stuff like that I guess.' We exchange a smile and quietly make our way to his car which is parked up the street. We duck to avoid any windows and make it to the car with no trouble.

'Baby, before we go can you put this on please?' Dream hands me a blindfold and I look at it confused for a second, what is he planning on doing to me? This is weird, better be worth it. I reluctantly put the blindfold on and Dream carefully drives off, comfortably placing his hand on my thigh which kind of reassures me.

'Okay George, we are nearly there, maybe 5 minutes more.' He caresses my leg and drives carefully to the destination, coming to a stop shortly after.

'You know, if you are going to kill me just make it quick please, also tell all of the bitches I don't like something I would say if I had the chance.' Dream wheezes and gets out of the car, coming to my side to help me out.

He wasn't wrong about it being cold, but it seems very peaceful here considering I can't see anything. I can hear some birds chirping and crickets making those weird loud croak like noises in the bushes. I smile as I am lead by Dream down a small stones path.

'Okay George, it's time to take off your blindfold.' Dream is squealing. He steps directly in front of me and plants a long, passionate kiss on my lips as he takes off the blindfold. My eyes quickly adjust to the change in light and the first thing I see is Dream in front of me, with a huge smile plastered on his face.

He finally moves out of the way and my jaw drops. What I saw was beautiful, when did he do this? How did he do this?

Well.. I'm one lucky boy..

1377 words

God I feel like I haven't updated in like months, but it's been like 4 days 😂. I hope everyone is ok. Also tysm for 2k reads that's huge and I am so happy!

I didn't update because I knew what I wanted to write I just couldn't put it into words if that makes sense, also it was Easter. I'm going to start writing the next chapter ASAP so that may be out tomorrow but no promises!

Stay safe everyone!


Fly high -Dreamnotfound high school auNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ