Boba tea (Part 1)

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George's POV-

Waking up in Dreams arms felt.. right. I felt well rested and ready to start the day. Considering I'm not a morning person, this is going good. I smiled softly seeing the blonde 'giant' sleeping next to me. His hands gripped tightly around my waist, his mouth pulled into a small smile. I brush some blonde locks out of his face to admire the scattered freckles around his face. He looks so happy and relaxed, damn I wish I look like that when I sleep. I place a short kiss on his cheek and continue caressing my fingers through his slightly knotty hair, avoiding tugging it and waking him up.

We stay like this for another hour or so, not that I could check the time due to being anchored down by my boyfriends arms.. I don't mind though, I feel safe and protected. He finally wakes up, I cup my hand on his cheek, pulling him into a short kiss.

'Good morning beautiful, how long have you been awake?' He leans into my touch, opening his eyes slowly to adjust to the lighting. His deep, croaky morning voice is so angelic and fitting, god he's just perfect.

'Good morning handsome, and I have only been awake about an hour or so.'

'You should have woke me up baby, we could have gotten breakfast by now.'

'I know, but you look so beautiful when you sleep, I didn't mind, I enjoyed the view.' I giggle, embarrassed at what I had just said, I don't regret it though, because it's is nothing but the truth. I snuggle my head into his chest as his wraps his large hands around me, pulling me impossibly closer.

'What do you want to do today baby, it's Saturday, so I do have to go training later but you could always come if you wanted.' He now returns the favour of stroking his hand carefully through my hair. I relax into his touch, I could honestly fall asleep right now, but judging on the light and heat coming from his bedroom window, it's already like 11 am, so we should get up.

'Hmm, I don't mind, maybe we could go to the park, there is a boba tea place I know a couple of streets away from the park on 4th street, we could go there after. And I'll gladly come to practice with you, maybe I could meet Nikki and we could also get some practice in. But.. I should probably head home before hand, to get clothes and to see how my mum is. My dad should be gone by now so it will be ok.'

'You could always borrow some of my clothes if you weren't ready to go back baby.'

'Thanks, and I would use your clothes if they weren't like 10 sizes too big for me, I'm tiny.' I giggle, locking our fingers together. 'Besides, my mum would want to know I am okay.'

'That's fine sweetheart, we will have breakfast, somewhat get ready and head out.'

And that's exactly what we did.

It was 12:30 pm when we arrived back to my house. My mums car was in the drive way, and I didn't even notice my dads car parked on the pavement (sidewalk for you Americans 😂) yesterday. It's gone now so he must be too..

I walk in and I am almost instantly brought into a warm embrace by my very worried mother.

'Georgie I was so worried, I'm so happy you are ok.' She cups my face and kisses my cheek. 'I'm so sorry for yesterday, he just showed up and said he wanted to talk with us. I was of course reluctant especially because it involved you. I'm sorry it was a lot to take in at once, but I thought it would be ok. I really didn't think it through, I'm sorry it hurt you George.'

'Mum, it's ok, I am ok I promise. I just hope you are too.' I place my hands on hers, which are still on my face, she nods thankfully and I continue. 'I was upset yesterday, just seeing him again after so long, but it's ok now, I said what I wanted to say.' I bring her hands down, still holding them, but I slowly let go to take Dreams.

Fly high -Dreamnotfound high school auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora