Chapter 30 "A Warm Touch"

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"I would let hell befall me before becoming yours."

As the words left my mouth, Apollo's golden arrow didn't miss its target this time, striking The Imposter in what would've been his back. However, he burst into a mass of swirling black dust. The arrow shot through the dust and struck the marble flooring centimeters from my head. I gasped when I felt the cool metal of the arrow brush against the flesh of my left ear. The black dust streamed out of the bedroom from one of the open balconies. Apollo watched in horror, not because of The Imposter escaping, but because of his arrow almost striking and possibly killing me.

"I-I" he stammered, rushing to my side. I slowly sat up and rubbed the flesh of my ear. Warmth trickled down my finger and I examined my hand. His arrow had barely sliced my ear causing me to bleed. "I didn't mean to." He continued, his expression painted with panic.

I broke my gaze from my hand and smiled gently. "I know."

"Are you okay?" He asked, his face painted in guilt.

I brought my hand back to the wound and took a deep breath. Coolness spread up my fingers and onto my wound, numbing the stinging. I closed my eyes and imagined the flesh binding itself back together like hundreds of threads. When I opened my eyes the wound was gone, all that was left was the blood stains on the tips of my fingers.

Apollo watched in awe. His gold eyes lingered on what once was the wound and he smiled. "Beat me to it..." he chuckled, referring to the healing that took place. His eyes shifted to the empty vial, that was now shattered on the floor.

He swallowed hard. "Zeus won't be happy."

My gaze fell to my lap, I had been sitting legs crossed on the floor. My hair had been disheveled and my dress wrinkled. "I-I don't believe I care." I admitted.

Apollo frowned in confusion. He lifted my chin up with his finger catching my gaze once more. "You should, how are we to explain this to him."

"We don't have to." I said while placing my hand on his forearm reassuringly. This only confused him more.

"Listen, with everything happening... the others won't be able to protect you, or even want to for that matter. Of course I will-but-" he started, his voice growing frantic.

With my other free hand, I cupped his cheek interrupting him. "Please hear me out." I pleaded softly, my eyes taking in his with as much love as I could muster. He simply nodded and stopped speaking.

"There is some truth to what... that thing said. I'm not an Olympian, and I'm not treated as such: reasonably. However, I am not a prisoner. I've done nothing wrong. I don't have to be liked or loved by any of your brothers and sisters... but I cannot keep pretending that this is where I belong. Since my arrival to Olympus, I've been treated like an outcast. I've felt like a toy and have been dragged into conflict I have no business in being apart of. Unfortunately, this dreadful place has become known to me as home. A place where someone is unloved and unwanted should not be defined as a home. I need to find that home. I do not take orders from Zeus, I am not his blood or an Olympian. But I'm not an enemy or danger to humanity, I am a Titaness. I can't stay here, and I won't. Now that I have my powers back... I should take my leave. To protect myself. Olympus is dangerous to me. Your sister, Artemis tried to kill me. Half of the gods would rather have me dead. I need to find a middle ground where there isn't a looming threat over my head Apollo, I hope you can understand that." I explained, my voice steady yet sad.

When I looked up to meet his eyes, I could for once read what was behind them. The emotion behind them was familiar. I had once thought there was something sinister behind them, but I've come to realize that this wasn't the case. There was pain behind them. There has always been pain behind them.

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