Chapter 4 "The Girl."

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Thank you guys so much for a hundred reads and 20 votes! I know it's not much but it makes me super happy!
I updated the notes chapter and added actors/actresses for my characters. I haven't found all of them so if you have recommendations then please share!

Years later

The girl grew as the years went by. She went from a squirming baby to a young woman in a matter of no time. She was a gentle girl who kept her same snowlike complexion that she had as a baby and her icy grey eyes as well. Her hair grew in thick and in waves, the same hue as her silver eyes. You could find her cowering behind another god, not scared but curious. She never proved to be a threat, at least not yet.

As she reached of a certain age she was to take classes to be educated on language and history. If she wanted to learn more she'd have to ask gods to teach her, unfortunately they weren't so keen on the matter and didn't want to waste their time. The girl kept to herself most of the time, only speaking a few words when she needed something. She grew up from her adolescent crying and maintained a calm demeanor to her adoptive mothers fortune.

She still remained without a name.


"You need to work on your communication skills." Hera mentioned to the girl while she placed the steaming bowl of soup before the girl. The girl didn't respond and dug her spoon into the bowl swirling around it's contents.

"And your manners..." mumbled Hera.

The door leading to the lavish dinning room swung open revealing Ares in a fury. He stomped up to his mother, fire in his eyes. "What's the matter my son?" Asked Hera who was unfazed by her sons sudden violent presence.

He towered over both the women, his slightly bronzed skin glistened in the firelight and his brown eyes shot daggers everywhere he turned. His muscular arms were folded tightly over his chest, he was heaving with rage. He was handsome yet terrifying. It's fair to say every god is handsome in their own way.

"That thing is the matter!" Roared Ares, he pointed towards the girl who seemed completely uninterested.

"What has she done to you to leave you in such a fit of rage, hm?" Hummed Hera. She placed her own bowl of soup on her placemat and sat down before it, she dusted salt over it while Ares paces back and forth.

He displayed a sharp silver pin on his palm, the top was embroidered with silver leaves and small white jewels. The tip was gleaming with sharpness however had a spec of gold liquid, golden blood of another god. The girls eyes widened and she shot up from her seat. She reached for the pin only for it retreat back into Ares grasp.

"This thing was sitting on my throne!" Said Ares through gritted teeth. Hera rolled her eyes in response and began to eat her soup. The girl stood upset in front of Ares, her eyes begging for her pin back.

"And?" Asked Hera, obviously not seeing that as a reason for rage.

"Well I sat on it!" Groaned Ares.

Hera's eyes narrowed as she saw the godly blood sitting on the sharp end of the pin, she knew the pin belonged to the girl considering she was the one who gave it to her.

"This brat keeps leaving her shit everywhere. I won't tolerate a kid running around rampant in Olympus."  Ares angrily continued.

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