Chapter 20 "An Ancient Love"

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Ares and I hesitantly climbed in Aphrodite's chariot. Normally I wouldn't entertain her but I was desperate for answers as to where Shiva was. Aphrodite patted the fine leather bench for us to sit next to her. I sat awkwardly in the middle of Ares and Aphrodite. I don't think they wanted anything to do with eachother.

"You know where she is...?" I asked as Aphrodite poured herself champagne in a crystal glass.

She took her time as she whirled around the liquid and took delicate sips. Ares started to get frustrated. "You're wasting our damn time!" He growled.

I felt like Aphrodite was using this time to flaunt herself and almost throw us off path... maybe that's exactly what she's doing.

She ignored Ares and nodded forward. The chariot started moving down the forest path. "Patience. I'm the one offering you help. You should be fortunate for my presence..." she cooed.

"Where are you taking us!?" I demanded as I got just as frustrated.

"Won't you two shut up. I don't like being pried with stupid questions." Aphrodite huffed, "I want to talk a little bit before we get into the good stuff. I have needs too."

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes, collecting myself. "Okay." I said, "what would you like to talk about?"

Aphrodite grinned. "You. And her."

I bit the inside of my cheek as discomfort crept up my spin. I didn't want to talk about her let alone think about her. Especially not with the goddess of love. I just want to get her back to safety despite my feelings towards her. I honestly can't tell if I despise Shiva or if I'm completely and utterly in-

"Aw, you look conflicted. Let's make a deal. You tell me everything you're feeling and I'll tell you EXACTLY where she is." Giggled Aphrodite.

Apollo use your head. Aphrodite can't possibly like Shiva after what happened. Why would she help us. She probably wouldn't blink an eye if something bad were to happen to Shiva. This women isn't to be trusted. Part of me just wanted to jump out and test my luck out there. However, something kept me from leaving; like a spell has been placed on me and I didn't want to leave the comfort of this chariot.

"This seems too easy... I ain't that smart but this seems like a bad idea." Whispered Ares.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes, "I'm right here. Yes, you are very stupid."

I swallowed hard and took my chances. "What do you want to know."

Aphrodite smiled wickedly. "What's your opinion on little Shiva?"

I hesitated, I looked at Ares who looked just as interested as Aphrodite. It was hard enough talking about this sort of stuff with her but Ares too...

Aphrodite saw my concern towards Ares and giggled. With a snap of her fingers Ares fell flat on his face asleep. Good.

She gestured me to start speaking.

I cleared my throat and pondered for a moment. I've been avoiding her in my thoughts and pushed down any opinions I've had towards her. I would have to address everything now. "I-I don't know... she's quiet and keeps to herself. There's no reason for me to like or dislike her." I stammered.

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