Chapter 6 "A Name..."

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"You're just flailing it around!"

"What else am I suppose to do with it...?"

Ares groaned and gripped the handle of my sword ripping it from grasp. I quickly retreated my hand towards me, rubbing the sore palms. I looked at the angry god with sad eyes, pondering what I could've done to put the god of war in such a rage. No amount of apologizes will fix whatever grudge he held against me.

"You're a lost cause." Ares sighed; defeated. He tossed the sword aside onto the stone flooring with a loud clank. He turned his back on me with his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

I looked towards my feet, I felt helpless. Was I good at anything? All I could do was fix a damned hair pin. How worthless! I opened my mouth to speak, wanting to spew out another apology but nothing came out. All I do is apologize.

I bit my lip and kept my head down, I felt his presences drift off. As I looked up he was walking away. He wasn't supposed to leave me alone, yet I don't think he even cares. He doesn't see me as a threat.


I was sorting mail with Hermes when he spoke up from behind one of the giant piles of letters dividing us, "How's it going over there? You need anymore ink? Post notes?"

"N-no, I'm fine over here." I called back, my soft voice forcing out a yell.

I heard him drop a pile of letters and make his way around the pile towards me, he had his hands firmly placed on his hips with a confused expression.

"Is something wrong?" I asked nervously,

He shook his head and held his hand out for me to grab, "Come on, let's do something else." He suggested.

I didn't hesitate and gripped his hand, letting him pull me up to my feet. I didn't exactly know where he was taking me, but it has to be better than sorting mail. We walked down a marble corridor and it seemed like it lasted an eternity. He was chatty the whole way down talking about his adventures, different types of envelopes, and complaining about literally everything.

"There's literally hardly any fresh water fountains in Olympus-"

"Where are you taking me...?" I asked softly, interrupting his rambling.

He smiled at me and tilted his chin up at me. "Not telling."

I frowned at him in defiance, my small face scrunching up in a non threatening manner. "Why not!" I whined.

"Because. I said so." Hermes Said shrugging.

He enjoyed teasing me didn't he? He liked seeing me desperate and without answers! I grumbled and avoided eye contact with him, crossing my arms tightly over my chest.

He led me to a large green house looking building, I finally observed my surrounding and realized we were in Demeter's territory. The golden hills of wheat glittered in the sun light. The green house was a large grand one adorned with beautiful fountains and flowers. "Woah-wait, why are we here out of all places?" I asked confused.

Hermes didn't answer and opened the glass door of the green house, he held it open urging me forward. I sighed and obliged, I walked through the door and was met with the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. Flowers bursting with every color were dangling from the celling and growing from every corner. It was vibrant and gleaming with life, it was beautiful.

I spun around taking in my surroundings and absorbing every aroma. "Wow..." I sighed.

Hermes leaned against the glass wall of the green house with a grin, he watched me as I scurried around exploring every corner.

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