Chapter 2 "Glaciers."

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December 13th, 2015.

"He insults me!" Exclaimed Apollo as he plops down on his throne frowning like a child.

"You're acting like a child." Moaned Artemis as she leaned against a nearby column.

"Don't you understand, I provide him with a prophecy of great magnitude and I don't even receive an ounce of gratitude from him!" Whines Apollo, he legs slung over each other in defiance. Artemis rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the column making her way towards her twin brother.

"Perhaps it's the fact that you do deeds in seek of approval and not from the heart." Suggested Artemis with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't seek his approval..." sighed Apollo.

"You're always pestering him about something or someone. You bring up these oracles and prophecies so often. And don't get me started on your lovers-" Artemis started but was interrupted by Apollo.

"If you came her to belittle me than I won't hear it. Leave me be." Groaned Apollo as he waved his sister off.

Artemis sighed and left Apollo alone to his thoughts. I am unloved. All my lovers end in tragedy. Not even my own father shows me love nor appreciation. He thought to himself.

He's had two great loves. Both loves ended in tragedy. Hyakinthos and Daphne. The first of his great loves was Daphne, a river nymph pursued by Apollo when he was struck by Cupid's arrow. To avoid his advances she was turned into a laurel tree by her father thus breaking Apollo's heart. His second great love was Hyacinthus, a spartan prince. Apollo accidentally struck and killed Hyacinthus whilst teaching him how to play discus, to which Apollo turned his blood into a flower called hyacinth.

Ever since their death, many lovers have followed. However, none lasted or were mortals. In his mind, those ended poorly as well. He lacked eternal and immortal love, the true meaning of love. All his lovers were temporary. I guess you could say he didn't have the greatest luck in love. He desired something more.

He dismissed the thoughts, not in the mood to mope as he was the god of light, meant to be bright and happy. Not dwell on negativity.

Curious about his recent prophecy regarding the hidden Titan, Apollo began looking for his father Zeus. Seeking an update on the matter, if there was any at all. Much to Apollo's fortune and convenience, Zeus met Apollo in the very hallway leading to the courtroom.

Apollo's eye lit up. Zeus's face fell as his son stood before him ready to pester. "Apollo." Zeus simply greeted, a small part of him hoping his son would leave it at that.

"I was just looking for you, father." Sang Apollo. Zeus let out a deep sigh and avoided Apollo's bright eyes.

"Let me guess; you're curious about the prophecy." Mumbled Zeus in annoyance.

Apollo quickly nodded and clasped his hands together, leaning towards his father eager to hear the details.

"If you have questions then pester your uncle, he's the one keeping a look out." Waved off Zeus, and without wasting another second in Apollo's presence; Zeus quickly walked away and down the hall from a frowning Apollo.

Apollo sighed, unsatisfied. He decided to take his father's "advice" and look for his uncle, Poseidon.


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