Year 6 - The Cave

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Hermione knew it was going to be dark inside the cave and they haven't even made it completely inside of it yet. The true entrance of the cave was concealed obviously. Dumbledore was walking around inspecting the rock formations for what should be the proper entrance. 

It was a while and Harry was throwing rocks into the ocean and Hermione just watched Dumbledore using what has to be his magic at work. Dumbledore finally stopped. 

"Ahhh...I do believe that this requires a blood offering to open it."

Harry quickly ran over saying, "you can use my blood!"

"Sorry Professor, I'm out on this one," Hermione said taking a step back from Harry who was looking way too hopeful. 

Dumbledore smiled down at Harry, "Sorry Harry you have young blood that's precious. We'll use my older blood instead."

Harry reluctantly nodded in agreement. Dumbledore smiled taking out his wand slicing his hand open. The blood was dripping and he sat his hand onto the rocks. The rocks began to shift and created a huge opening into more unnatural darkness that was more than just cave darkness.

Hermione scowled, "I can't help but wonder if he always was one for dramatics."

Dumbledore chuckled as he healed his hand. "From what I know, Ms. Granger, I think he always was."

"That makes this more depressing. Well, let's get going into the dark creepy cave," Hermione said pulling out her wand casting a light charm, and throwing it into the entrance. Dumbledore followed suit which made the cave light up a lot more.

They look around the cave and see a small island in the center of a lake in the cave. There was a green glow inside the center rock on the island. Harry took a breath stepped up to the end of the pool of water where they were. He pointed his wand toward the glow yelling out, "ACCIO HORCRUX!"

Nothing happened and Hermione rolled her eyes, "Seriously Potte,r you really didn't believe it would be that easy right..."

"Worth a shot..."

Dumbledore ignored their back and forth and stepped forward with his hand in the air waving it around. The two stopped arguing to watch. 

"You okay, Professor Dumbledore?" Harry questioned.

"Pretty sure he is..."

Dumbledore finally clutched his fist and began to pull something invisible toward them. From the darkness of the lake, an old tiny boat emerged from the water slowly. It reached where they stood. Harry and Hermione stood silent looking at the horrible-looking boat that seemed that it could sink at any moment. 

"I really don't want to get on offense Professor..."

"I have to agree..."

Dumbledore smiled at the two, "trust me I know the magic on this boat and it will not sink until its purpose has been fulfilled. 

"That is not comforting."

"Come along you two," Dumbledore smiled stepping onto the boat waiting for them. The two sadly also stepped onto the boat and as soon as they stepped on it started moving slowly across the water to the center island.

Harry looks down into the water and gasps slightly, "Professor... there are humans..."

"They're muggle zombies, but just do the bidding of the master who brought them back, well they're not really back...its just the body...nothing else..." Hermione explained to Harry. 

"We don't have to worry about them yet. They are creatures that live in the cold and darkness. Remember they are afraid of any warmth and light," Dumbledore added to them. 

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