Year 5 - The Idea

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"IT'S BEEN FOUR WEEKS! AND WE STILL ARE NOT LEARNING ANYTHING!" Theo yelled throwing his arms into the air as the small Slytherin group sat in the corner of the common room.

"We aren't even able to use magic anymore in our other classes..." Daphne trailed off looking at the wall. The others sat and was thinking harshly. 

"We are actual squibs here...we NEED to do something." Theo almost pleadingly begged.

"We've been trying, Theo. But we can't think of anything," Draco finally stopped Theo's angry ranting. "You don't think we would already be doing something if we thought of it!"

"It won't matter in the end...even if we come up with something for us. There's the rest of the school left in the dark. The younger students and older will be left out..." Daphne said and the group quieted. 

"That is true Daphne...and I have thought of something that we could do...but it's a long shot," Hermione spoke out from her corner and the others turned.

" thought of something and DIDN'T Tell us." Blaze leaned forward in his chair.

"And how long have you been keeping this from us, Granger?" Draco questioned.

"I thought of it about a week ago...but with the house rivals and gossipers, I doubt it would work."

"Why don't you just tell us and we ALL decide if it could work," Theo snootly replied. 

"Fine...what if we teach what we need to know to a screte class...for magic..."

The group was silent, "explain further Granger."

"I was thinking...we learn about the spells in the actual classes, but we don't use them. What if we set up a system whereas they learn the spells in day a week we can secretly show them how to do the spells. Like the first years will be taught what they need to know on Monday, then the second years on Tuesday and so on. After their classes of course. But the problem for that to work...ALL first years would have to be together." Hermione explained and the others were in awe.

"That's BRILLANT!" Blaze yelled and now everyone started standing in excitement. 

"This could work...we have to start preparing NOW!" Daphne excitedly tried to walk away.

"WAIT!" Draco yelled and the excited group paused. "How about we try to relay and ask everyone if it's really something they want to do."

"What who wouldn't?" Theo was shocked at Draco's thoughts.

"It's just a safety precaution. If we do this we have to have a way to keep it secret. We can't have a random first or second year tell Madam Pink about it just because she tortured them.  Not only that we have to actually have a plan, like a schedule on what needs to be taught for every year level, not to mention a place where we would even do it." Draco said and Hermione nodded.

"I agree with Draco. We need to first have a plan and somewhat of an idea on this. We can split it up. Blaze if you find a place we can host these said classes we could think more about it. Daphne, Theo if you get the class material that needs to be known just for a small trial run...that would be great. Draco and I will work on finding a way to keep everyone quiet and we need to somehow get all the students together to discuss this and if they want to do it." Hermione finished and everyone nodded, ready to start on their part of the plan.

After a few minutes of sitting here, Blaze Spoke: "Okay if we're done here... can we go and try to get all this started?"

Hermione blinked, "Sure..." Blaze, Theo, and Daphne almost sprinted out the common room. Hermione turned to Draco, "Any thoughts on how to keep people quiet without it being messy?"

"Have you ever heard of contracts?"

Hermione didn't grace him with a reply.

Draco sighed, "not like normal just paper contracts, but magic contracts...that contracts that curse people if they disobey it. Maybe we could set it up where if jinks someone to sing a random song or something if questioned about said extra activities."

"Hmm...I like this idea...but can we do without singing. That would get annoying after a while." 

Draco grinned, "We just have to make sure that everyone signs it once we even just mention it to them. Now how are we going to get everyone in the same place to even mention the plan?"

This time Hermione smirked, "Hogsmeade...most people are able to go. There we will gather everyone and tell them. Everyone else who didn't go...we're perfects. We just tell a teacher that something happened at Hogwarts during the Hogsmeade trip and everyone who was here would gather and we just tell them then."

"Brilliant..." Draco finished and Hermione smirked. They started talking more in-depth about the plans. Both listening to each other and making adjustments based on better ideas made at that moment. 

Maybe just maybe this year was starting to lookup more... they couldn't help but think as the continued to chat.


A.N. - I'm so sorry about the EXTREMELY late update. I've been completely busy. I have a job now, with school, with other story ideas, art ideas, gaming time, brother wreaking car so taking mine...and birthdays...

BTW I'm officially older now...

Again sorry for the late update I hope to do better in the future...yell at me if I don't... 


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