Year 7 - The Lovegood's Place

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They were relaxing more after they destroyed the Horcrux. Now they are working for just finding another one for now. Harry was also excited that Ron was back. Being the helpful friend, Ron gave Harry an extra wand he stole from one of the snatchers when he was captured for five days.  Ron told the story of when he got home and how Lavender was there and one thing led to another and Lavender was just about two weeks pregnant. Too early for anything positive, but Ron said he was a Weasley so it would likely stick. At which Hermione turned around grossed out. Harry filled Ron in on everything that happened there and ever since the boy boys have often giggling with each other. 

Ron even informed them of the Potterwatch and who actually was doing that and to make sure to not say He-who-must-not-be-named name, because there was a trace on it now. Harry just stomped his foot at that in anger.

Overall it was back to being boring. Now, however, Harry was busy talking with Ginny and the others more. Hermione went back to reading. Ron did whatever Ron did, except now checking in with Lavender more and being super annoying about freaking out over being a dad too soon.

It was another boring night when Hermione was reading through the tales of bottle bards that Dumbledore gave them and Hermione once again saw the symbol on one of the stories the symbol of Grindelwald. 

"Guys! Come look at this!" Hermione yelled and the two boys rushed over stopping their gossip session. She showed them the symbol.

"This symbol again?" Harry questioned.

"Clearly it has to be important if it keeps coming up," Ron stated and Hermione rolled her eyes at that obvious statement. 

"I think we need to find out more about this symbol."

"Xenophilius Lovegood...he was wearing that symbol at the wedding. But he thought that it had a different meaning to it than what everyone else was saying," Harry said.


"We didn't talk that long to where he told me."

Ron looked up, "well I know that his paper has been pro Potter. The ministry keeps trying to shut him down, but can't. He has his own rights to his own paper."

"We should visit him."

Hermione nodded at Harry, "I agree. But tomorrow. We need time to sleep and we have to pack up tomorrow, too."

"I'll get first watch. Go to bed you two," Hermione commanded. Both the boys quickly rushed off to their rooms.

The next day they slept in and they started packing up after lunch. Harry and Ron messed around and that made it take a lot longer than it should have. Much to Hermione's annoyance. 

It was close to dinner time before they finally made it to the weird house that was the Lovegoods'. It was weird with flying fruits, creatures floating, and the design was different, too.

Harry gained enough courage and knocked on the door.

"WHO IS IT?" A shakey voice yelled out. It sounded fearful to Hermione.

"Well...come and look!" Ron yelled.

The door opened and Xenopholius stood before them in shock at seeing Harry and her.

"I-I heard about what you've been writing in the Quibbler...and I think you can help us," Harry stated. 

"Of-of course! Come on in! Sorry, it's a bit of a mess. I've been busy you know!" Xenopholius pulled them in and the three stepped over piles of stuff to have a seat on the few chairs that were in the middle of the room.  "OH! Luna should be somewhere around here. I'll call for her. You stay here. Have some tea!"

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