Year 4 - The Final Task

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"Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the final event of the Twi-wizard Tournament!" Bagman yelled happily amplifying his voice to the students and parents who came to cheer on the champions. 

"Since the first place was a tie between Cedric Diggory and the Potter group they will enter the maze first, followed by the second and third place champions. This maze will challenge each champion in any way imaginable. The goal is to reach the center of the maze where the Twi-Wizard cup lays. Good Luck Champions!" Bagman explained and shot some small fireworks from his wand making the crowd yelled and cheer again.

The champions grew nervous and Hermione took a look at the others. Victor was being whispered to by Igor Karkaroff. Victor was listening intently to his words nodding along. Olympe Maxime was smiling at Fleur who was pale as a ghost looking into the maze. Cedric was being held proudly by his father who was smiling and hugging his son excitedly as they talked. Harry was being held on the shoulder by Moody and he tried to comfort Hermione, but always seemed to lean more and more away from the vile man. 

After the cheers died down somewhat Dumbledore stood up smiling, "The first three may enter!" The maze opened up to a starting path for Cedric and another one for both Harry and Hermione. They could only hear cheers as they slowly walked into the maze which slowly closed behind them. 

As soon as it completely shut they could hear nothing not even the loud cheers. It was eerily quiet as the looked at the different paths they could take.

"Hmm...a silencing spell over the we won't be able to tell if we are further or closer to the edge of the maze, not the center," Hermione spoke to herself out loud and Harry just listened.

"How do we know which way to go?" Harry questioned looking at the three paths before them. 

"We don't..." Hermione told him and walked to the wall looking at the plants and vines on it. She put her hand on the wall and the wall seemed to slowly wrap its vines around it and absorb her slowly. Hermione pulled out her hand. "I wouldn't get to close to the wall...I think it's more of a safety feature where if one of us gets injured the vines will absorb us and like apparations should get up back to everyone."

"Okay so away from the walls...avoid injury...anything else?"

"Not yet...but I believe there will be more to be said later..." Harry smirked at what Hermione said and they both got their wands ready as they turned to the left, which quickly led them to a dead end.

"Okay so new problem how will we know which way to not go again?" Harry questioned Hermione who was thinking.

"I think we won't be able to mark the walls because of the magic cast on them, but the ground it just the regular quidditch pitch ground." Hermione pulled out her wand and quickly made a scorch mark where they went. She waited a few seconds to see if it would disappear and it didn't. She smirked and showed Harry who smiled.

"Brillant...I think we should get going again..." Harry said and started walking again with Hermione trailing behind. They walked and marked the paths for a while until they reached a path that was blocked by a box on the ground that made both of them freeze. 

"You first Potter," Hermione shoved him slightly to the box. Harry glared quickly before focusing on the box once again and slowly walked to it. 

Harry was about five feet away when the box flew open and a dementor flew out. Harry cast a Patronus at it, but it just staggered a little before continuing towards Harry. 

"A BOGGART!" Hermione yelled and Harry again raised his arm shouting "Ridiculous" as it changed into a tiny dancing clown. Hermione walked to Harry, "That was good Potter...I'm I think we should get going."

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