Year 1 - Start of Christmas Break

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The following months for Hermoine were interesting and easy.  School, homework, read, talk with Potter, sleep.  It was very enjoyable and now that Christmas break was upon them everyone was packing up ready to leave.  For Hermione breakfast was less enjoyable.  

Hermoine was eating in the Great Hall when a letter arrived.  Her mother and father decided to go on a trip and wanted Hermione to stay at Hogwarts for the break.  Hermoine wasn't happy at all.  She had to rush to Snape's office to get her name on the list to stay at Hogwarts before he went to give the list to Dumbledore.

Snape wasn't happy about the last-minute change but accepted it begrudgingly while muttering under his breath.  On the bright side, she was one of the few Slytherins that stayed which meant that she only had to deal with Daphne.  No Pansy what-so-ever.

She was on her way to the library while the others leaving were going to the front entrance to be taken to the train.  She was on the second-floor stairs when she saw Potter with Weasley walking down.  Hermione saw the list and knew Potter was going to stay.

"Hey, Potter you sending off your one true love Weasley." She smirked at them jokingly.

"Shut Up, Granger!" Ron red-faced in anger mostly shouted.  Harry just smiled and shook his head.

"Touchy subject then Weasel, is it?"

In anger, Ron marched off past her and down the stairs.

"Really, Hermione.  Couldn't you be nicer to him?" Harry sighed out.

"Hey, it's fun making him mad. He gets so defensive and upset.  Plus his face matches his hair and it's hilarious." Hermione smirked pointed to her own hair.

"You're such a Slytherin." Harry sighed again, smiling a bit.

"Thanks, Potter! I'm taking that as a compliment."

"Why are you staying?" Harry questioned her.

"Parents wanted to go on a couples trip.  Couples don't want a kid with them."


"You?" Hermione asked back.

"It's just more time away from the Dursleys.  There is no way I would miss this chance to stay here as much as I possibly can."

"I don't know why you don't do anything about how they treat you.  I would have been a right terror until something changed."

"Yeah well, I doubt the Dursleys work like that no matter what I do," Hermione looked at him then shrugged.  

"What are your plans for the break?" Hermione asked as they started walking to the library.

"Finish the break assignments, learn more about Nicolas Flamel, find out what's under the trap door, visit Hagrid, just enjoy the break," Harry stated.

"Nicolas Flamel? Trap Door?" Hermione questioned.

"Oh, I didn't tell you?  One night Ron and I were out after curfew after an argument with Malfoy.  He told us to meet him for a duel and he wasn't there..." Harry explained.

"That sounds like Malfoy." Hermoine interrupted frowning at the thought of Malfoy.

"Next thing Ms. Norris found us and we ran to what we thought was an abandoned classroom, it was the third floor and we went into the room thinking it was empty.  We turned around and there was a HUGE three-headed dog!"


"It was insane!  We could have died.  Anyway, I saw that the dog was on top of a trap door and I knew it was guarding something.  So while talking with Hagrid I learned the dog was his and he said something about Nicolas Flamel, but he stopped talking after that."

"Hmm...that is interesting.  I know this was a Weasel and Potter project, but do you think I could jump on board a bit?  You've piqued my interest."

"Actually the reason why I told you is that I need your help with something."

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him interested.

"You see Hagrid just got a dragon egg that could hatch at any time and having a dragon at the school is dangerous and I agreed to help Hagrid and Ron get the dragon out of here and to the wild with his own kind," Harry explained.

"And I can help how?" Hermione questioned Harry.

"Well once it's hatched I can write Charlie, Ron's brother, to come and pick up the dragon.  Two people may have to be there to carry the dragon wherever Charlie needs to pick it up.  Plus you get the extra bonus of helped me research Flamel after.  Deal?"

"You have a Deal Potter.  I'm now interested in this small adventure you and Weasel got yourselves into."

"Now about the break assignments, could you possibly help me out with that?"

"Really Potter! I swear that's all you use me for, homework."

"And now a weird adventure I was thrown into." Harry smiled holding out his arms like he expects her to thank him.

Hermione smirked at him as they walked into the library. "You're an idiot."

Later that night Hermione was back in her dorm where to her surprise Daphne was still up.

"Hey Granger"

"Daphne"  Granger replied looking at the girl.  Daphne was staring at her.

"You know for a first-year you know a lot of higher-level spells.  Plus being able to do them non-verbally is impressive, but I wonder how you're able to do them since your a mu....lower status...  I heard people like you steal magic, we purebloods obviously have the advantage."

"I could say the same thing about myself, is magic really yours, or did you steal some from your parents when you were born and it just grew a bit.  You see I have the advantages of magic and this world and the advantages of the muggle world with their technology.  I'm my sight I'm a thousand percent better than you purebloods who can't seem to get their heads out of their arse."

Daphne was sneering at her.

"I'm smarter than the rest of you, better at magic, better at almost everything.  Now, who really is the ...lower you put it and have the better advantage.  I'm my eyes it's clearly not you."  Hermoine finished and smirked before walking out of the dorm to the common room wanting to get her point across.

As she walked into the common room she came upon an unpleasant sight before her.  

"What you do doing here Malfoy?" She frowned at the boy who was stretched out on the couch.  He smirked.

'Of course, nothing could ever go right for her could it'


A.N. - I'm sorry for not posting yesterday I was really busy and couldn't get to it and I was too tired to stay up to do it.   Sorry again but two chapters tonight!

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