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Jayson Part II

EvelynHail I don't recommend eating while reading this chapter. The rest of you have been warned. 😂

Jayson awoke to the sound of something scraping in the next room. He bolted upright before clutching each side of his head, groaning. His headache had intensified, becoming a full-fledged migraine, pounding behind his eyes. His stomach clenched, threatening to send the chocolate and soda out the way they came.

He fumbled for his canteen and tipped it into his mouth, but there was enough left for two sips. Another search in his bag yielded nothing, and he leaned against the wall.

The scraping soon turned to shuffling and shadows flickering between the sunlight through the dirty window. Someone, or something, was here.

Moving to his knees, Jayson crawled through the open doorway and peeked his head over the counter. Two men in full body armor stood just outside the main door, arguing in muffled voices.

Jayson ducked down, sucking in a sharp breath. Heart pounding, he strained to listen. He was tempted to edge around the side, but stayed put, not wanting to risk being seen. It was difficult to hear, but the conversation was made easier to listen to through the ply board window.

"... looks abandoned. ... door locked... nothing inside..."

"Recklaw can't have gone far. He was only an hour ahead of us when Benson sent him out the gate. This is the closest place for miles." The second man was far easier to hear as he spoke in a loud voice.

"Well, he's not here! You've looked inside the window. This place has been deserted for a long time, and there's nothing worth foraging for."

"We should keep one of the trucks nearby in case he makes an appearance. I'll radio the other vehicles to make another circle. If he doesn't show by tomorrow afternoon, we'll head back."

"What about Benson?"

"Not much we can do if we can't find him. For all we know, one of the animals picked him off."

"Bastards," Jayson muttered. So exiling him had been a charade. Whatever they wanted him for couldn't be good, and he was willing to bet at least Monica would be kept in the dark.

He wrapped his hand around his knife handle and carefully moved backward. He kept his gaze forward the entire time, looking down only to hastily repack his bag. He didn't know if the soldiers would be smart enough to force their ways inside, but Jayson wanted to be ready in case he had to run.

Shrugging into his straps, he crouched down again and moved back to his hiding place behind the counter. The voices had died down, as did the footsteps, but they might as well have been next to him if they were conducting a stakeout.

Fingers hovering over his knife, he waited. Five, ten, and fifteen minutes passed, and no one accosted him or tried to come inside the abandoned gas station. And why would they? From the outside, a cursory glance revealed nothing but a gutted lobby. Based on the conversation he did overhear, these soldiers probably thought Jayson was still behind them.

It was an inconvenience and a blessing at the same time. Jayson would need to be on his way soon and locate a water source, but at least no one would find him here as long as he remained hidden. All he needed to do was wait them out.

That was easier said than done as his stomach growled and clenched, tying itself into painful knots. Nausea from hunger and dehydration swept through him, and he forced himself not to dry heave. If the noise caused him you get caught, he'd have a lot more to worry about than finding food or water. He'd seen Jeannie for himself; emaciated and broken—nothing like the fierce doctor threatening to put someone's kidney on ice all those weeks ago.

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