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Placing her hands inside her lab coat pockets, Monica sighed as Jeannie ran into the bathroom. She'd wanted to avoid mentioning Eric if she could, at least until Jeannie came to terms with everything else. The fact that she remembered him was both promising and heartbreaking.

The soldier, Daniel, frowned as he moved toward the door separating him and Jeannie. He knocked once before softly calling through the barrier, "Echo? Will you please open the door? I don't want you to go through this by yourself. Let me help."

His dedication was endearing, and Monica, a complete stranger, could see how much he cared.

When the door didn't open, Daniel raked his fingers through his hair and paced. He trailed a path back and forth several times before turning on Monica with a look of exasperation. "Did you really need to share that with her? What does that information accomplish?"

Monica stared at her black shoes, unable to meet his harsh glare. "She deserves the truth," she whispered. "Even if she's not ready for it, I can't lie to her. She needs this if she wants to move on."

He sighed, dipping his head as he leaned against the wall. "I know," he whispered, "but I just want to help her. She's been through so much, and I'm worried I'm not reaching her."

It was heartwrenching to see him, a man who clearly cared for Jeannie, act so utterly defeated.

She approached him and tested her hand on his arm, offering him a smile as he met her eyes. "The Jeannie I know is still in there -- my best friend. She will need time, but she also needs you. She can't do this alone. With your help though, just by being with her -- supporting her, she will get through this."

"But she's not that person anymore," he countered. "She's afraid and confused while Benson drains her like a leech."

"I won't let him hurt her," Monica promised, her voice filled with conviction.

"You don't know Benson the way I do. He doesn't care who he hurts. Echo is nothing more than a means to the end, and he has too much power for anyone to stand in his way. Your friend wanted to expose him, and where is he now? Benson can make people disappear."

Her chest constricted. Getting rid of Jayson was exactly what Benson had done, but why? There wasn't any solid evidence yet of unethical behavior. He was a creep, that much was certain, and he'd threatened Monica, but she couldn't prove he'd been harassing her. Not only that, but her records with her ugly past were on file for everyone on the council to see, and she doubted they'd believe her for allegations of misconduct.

With watery eyes and a tight throat, she sniffled. "You're right, but I'm not giving up. My boyfriend didn't have the patience to keep his opinions to himself, and Benson didn't need him. He needs me for a cure."

"And how comfortable do you feel around him?" he challenged, folding his arms across his chest and arching a knowing brow.

Monica's hands clenched at her sides, and she quickly stuffed them inside her coat pockets. She was about to respond with an angry retort when her fist bumped into a plastic canister, rattling with bouncing pills.

"Shit, I forgot," she grumbled, pulling the container from her jacket. Holding it out to Daniel, she said, "I meant to give these to Jeannie. They're iron supplements she needs to take with meals."

"You didn't answer my question," he stated with narrowed eyes as he took the bottle.

"And I'm not going to," she snapped.

"And that right there shows how afraid you are," he responded with a sigh. "Be careful around him. Just because you aren't expendable doesn't mean he won't try something else. And don't trust anyone. Something is going on, but I don't have the proper clearance to snoop and find out how deep this goes ."

Zombie Soap 2: ConspiracyWhere stories live. Discover now