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Taylor: Part II

With nothing to do, Taylor wandered aimlessly though the hallways, lost in his thoughts. Benson's words made sense, yet he couldn't shake the nagging feeling someone lied to him. Dad was set in his ways, but hadn't ever really lied to him. Monica and Rivera's concerns couldn't be dismissed either. They gave that man a wide berth for a reason. Jayson had hated him. But the pain in Benson's eyes had reflected a reality no one could feign.

He'd definitely lost someone, regardless of relation. Grief like that gripped its claws deep in the soul and always found a way to shine through the strongest facade. In that much, he'd been honest about. But what about everything else?

The question was how much he'd said was truth verses lies.

No one he knew roamed the facility—everyone was either on duty or enjoying a rare day off. Diego was wherever Dad went, attached to the hip for reasons he didn't understand, and Monica was... that was a good question. She seemed to work nonstop lately. As far as he knew, that woman didn't take breaks or time off, dedicated to finding answers.

Puffing out his cheeks, he held his breath for a moment before expelling it. Taylor wasn't on shift today, and he didn't have anywhere to be. He could try to decode that flash drive, but Benson's warning stopped him. Not because Taylor was worried about being caught; rather, he didn't want to know what he'd find.

Knowledge was power, and power was dangerous.

Entering the promenade, Taylor scanned the area. Some people mingled, but the space was quiet this time of the morning. Taking advantage of his personal space, Taylor walked past stands designated for supply and other essentials, but stopped short at the gym and peered through the glass.

A few people lifted weights or cycled on bikes, but what caught his attention was Ashley, leading a small yoga session with only two or three people, but guiding them with grace as she assumed different positions. Her form was perfect, and he couldn't help but watch in awe, just like he'd done all those years ago when they attended school together.

Unlike the last few times he'd seen her, his chest didn't tighten in anxiety, and his stomach didn't curdle at old pain she'd inadvertently caused. For the first time in eleven years, he only felt indifference and curiosity. Not good. Not bad. Just... calm.

Perhaps it was time to let go of the past.

Pulling the door to the entrance, he walked inside, inhaling the familiar scent of gym equipment and cleaning solution. The normalcy transported him to an old world that no longer existed, and for a moment, he imagined the apocalypse never happened. He almost believed he was here because he wanted to be instead of by necessity.

Finding an empty wall near the yoga session, he sat cross legged on the floor and watched the session, mesmerized by the seamless transitions from one pose to the next. At one point, Ashley's eyes met his, and she wobbled as recognition set in, but smiled as he lifted his hand to wave before resuming her workout.

After a few minutes, Ashley stood and ended the session before grabbing a towel and wiping her glistening skin and draping the towel around her neck. Her hair sat in its usual messy ponytail with loose strands plastered to her forehead and neck. But when she smiled, she lit up the room as if she were a Hollywood star.

She took a tentative step toward him and paused, resting a hand on her hip. "Hey. I didn't expect to see you here."

Taylor chewed his bottom lip, suddenly at a loss for words. She'd had that effect on him in college too, but this time, his shyness came from the passage of time instead of attraction. He hadn't had a real conversation with her in years. They'd both changed; now he didn't know what to say.

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