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After five days of no human contact, inprocessing was a relief. Having already been through yet another invasive inspection when they initially came into the facility, the survivors had been permitted to utilize the showers before doing whatever it was the government officials wanted from them.

After being handed a set of towels and new clothes, the women had been instructed to take the showers on the right while the men took the left. Of the survivors, only Monica and Specialist Williams had survived while the rest had been male.

A new set of survivors had come in while the current hero group was being processed, leaving a fifteen-year-old girl on her own with her stepdad and a group of strangers, treating them like science experiments. The girl cried as she covered herself with her hands, unable to escape the watchful eyes of the medical staff.

Instead of showering, Monica quickly ran to the girl's aid, squaring off against the female offical who towered a full head above her. "What is your problem?" she demanded, handing her towel to the girl as she glared at the apathetic nurse. "She's scared! You don't have to treat her like she's a parasite! She's a person with feelings and you're here on your little high-horse, with no idea of what we've all been through!"

Another soldier came into the room, raising his weapon as the girl wrapped the towel around her waist and tucked beneath her arms. "You need to step away, Miss. You're interfering with government business."

Monica squared her shoulders and lifted her chin, unafraid of this sad, pathetic little man. "She's a little girl! I'm not saying to not quarantine her, but you could at least make her feel welcome! If she has no guardian present, then I'll elect myself to step forward on her behalf. If you want to shoot me, so be it, but you'd better be prepared to explain to John Whittaker that you killed his son's best friend!"

The nurse and soldier shared an uneasy glance before the woman in light blue scrubs nodded and the soldier backed off. The girl brushed tears from her cheeks and shot Monica a grateful look.

Monica patted the girl's shoulder and offered her an encouraging smile. "It's okay, sweetie. I'll stay with you the whole time while they ask you some questions, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen."

She nodded, still crying silently. "Okay," she said through a choked sob.

"It will all be okay. She'll ask you some questions and make sure you're not infected. Then you can go shower and you'll be quarantined for a few days, alright?"

"You promise?"

Monica pinched her lips and turned to the nurse, raising an eyebrow. "You can't keep everyone in the dark. Will she be okay?"

The nurse plastered a smile faker than botox on her face and bobbed her head up and down. "Of course. My job is to inspect everyone who comes in. What the council chooses to disclose is up to them."

"Fine, but I'll stay with her until you finish. You're all completely clueless when it comes to basic emotions like compassion and empathy."

"Of course. You are welcome to stay through the examination, Miss...Wrainwright," she said, looking at her laptop before casting a condescending gaze upon her.

Unfazed, Monica raised her eyebrow and watched this perfectly coiffed bitch from her little button nose. Short or not, she wasn't taking anyone's shit. "That's Doctor Wainwright to you, Nurse. Now let's make this easy on all of us. Ask your questions and go about your way. I honestly don't give a shit who you are. Unless you've faced off against zombies, you're no expert in anything except to take someone's blood pressure."

Zombie Soap 2: ConspiracyWhere stories live. Discover now