chapter 3

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Jessica's POV-

I woke up around 10 am, I sit up in my bed before slipping out of it and going downstairs.

It's the last day of summer I'm not getting dressed I'm going to have a lazy day.

As I get to the kitchen I hear voices so I grab a drink and walk closer to them.

As I turn the corner I see my nan and the girl from last night talking as they drink some tea.

"Jessica sweetie, your parents have went to work and this is danielle" the girl turns her head and looks at me smirking before she gives me a wave and I catch a glimpse of something on her hand.

"Hey, is that a tattoo? How old are you?" I say confused but I didn't ask the one thing I wanted to. Why is she here?

She laughs lightly and nods "yes it is and I'm 18"

She then turns back to my nan. "It was nice seeing you again lin, I'll see you around" she gets up and gives her a hug before picking up her mug and walking past me to put it in the kitchen.

I just look at her back confused. Then I hear the door shut and turn to my nan.

She laughs " she comes over every Sunday to see me and we haven't done it in a while as she's been away. I've been in her life since she was born."

I nod and sit next to her. Then I realized "OMG, she saw in my pyjamas and with messy hair!"

She laughs at me again before getting up and going to the kitchen.

I walk back to my room and lay kn my bed for the rest of the day.

After a while I hear giggling from out side I look at my phone and its 2am. Shoot I have to get up in 5 hours. I shut my laptop and go over to the window.

As I look around I see danielle laying on the grass laughing. It makes me giggle then I realise a bottle of vodka in her hand and shake my head.

She gets up and tryst to walk but falls again. I sigh, there is no way I'm letting her cross that road drunk.

I sneak out my house and over to her.

I help her stand up and she looks at me surprised. " your the girllll who was staring yesterday." I shake my head

"Okay I need you to help me." She nods and we walk across the road and she opens the door before turning to me.

"Thanks " she says before closing the door

I go back to my house and go to sleep.

Tomorrow is school and I was not look forward to it

Danni's pov-

As I left Linda's I could feel her eyes on my back. I walk I to my house and go up to my room.

After a while i hear a knock at my door.

"Come in" I say as I sit up and look at the door.

The door slowly opens and seconds later Annie's head pops in to view.

"Can we snuggle and watch tv?" She asks giving me puppy eyes

Annie's only 8, I'm 10 years older than her but it doesn't stop us from being close.

"Come here stinky" I say as u lift up the blankets for her to climb in.

----hours later---

everyone was asleep. I slowly got out of bed and got changed into a short black dress

I grab my hand bag and sneak out the house and slowly walk to the end of summer party.

I have a couple drinks then grab two bottles of vodka and drink them without mixing anything in.

I grab third and start to walk home.

That's the last thing I remember.

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