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Rushing from class to class, my heartbeat echoing in the loud thrum of blood roaring in my veins, I ran over the song I'd put together in my head for the first round of auditions for the talent showcase which, of course, had to occur the very day after I'd found out the truth about my father. 

I only hoped the judges didn't notice how quickly the song I'd created had come together, because I only had one shot, and I couldn't waste it.  I wouldn't, not when so much was on the line.

I had said goodbye to Eli, and was halfway to my third class of the day when I texted my father that I wouldn't be returning home the next day due to work and that I'd be staying behind for the charity basketball game to 'cheer on' him and his first player to coach independently.

His response was glowing, not even mentioning the fact that he'd tried to get me fired and had reported my car stolen. Typical.

Everything was going smoothly, until I ran into Maddie after my last class of the day, and in lieu of drama practice, I'd be attending showcase auditions in the auditorium, which meant a wardrobe change back at my dorm.

"V? Oh my god, I almost didn't recognize you. You look really tired, are you getting sick?"

I didn't miss her friend Mia's snort of laughter while I desperately tried to walk faster than them as they'd fallen in step beside me, matching me stride for stride on my trek across campus.

"Not sick, just laundry day. I'm actually late for something-"

"This will only take a minute. Look, I'm really sorry about what I said last night at the party. It was totally out of character for me. Usually, I'm so sweet, but I've just been so upset with Patrick and me breaking up and I took it out on you."

She could've definitely been telling the truth, considering that her 'sick' jab held more weight with her appearance than mine.  Contrasting from her best friend done up in dressy jeans and a flowing top and immaculate makeup, Maddie was sporting green leggings, an oversized tee, a messy bun and bare face, complete with red eyes and splotchy marks on her cheeks, it was evident that she was upset about something

I just-wait, are you wearing...is that Eli's hat?"

Uh oh. Were the claws about to come out?  Her demeanor went from half apologetic/half condescending to full on shocked/angry.  

"Uh, yeah. I was having a bad hair day and he loaned it to me, no big deal. Anyway, thanks for the apology, but it wasn't needed. We're all good."

"Oh. Right. Yeah, well, I was just going to ask if you could tell Chuck that I'm sorry too, he won't answer the phone when I call and my key card won't work when I try to get into the gym, so..."

Oh, so she just wanted me to smooth things over with her boss?

"Will do."

She flashed me a smile that could only be described as fake and hiding contempt while Mia did a little one finger wave, and then I could finally breathe as they peeled away from me.

Hazel and Bea texted their good luck texts to me as I dressed hurriedly in a cap sleeved royal blue v-neck dress that fell to my knees, the material swishing around as I searched for my heels and applied the fastest glam makeup in glam makeup history, warming up my voice as I did so. 

I was halfway through my vocal routine and glass of warm honey water when my alarm beeped letting me know I only had ten minutes to make it to the auditorium to check in for auditions. 

It was now or never. 


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