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Gossip was whispered behind hands covering mouths.  Giggles following me everywhere I went.  Rumors and lies spreading like wildfire.

Almost one entire week of keeping my head down, and still nothing had died down.  

Eli was my refuge, and with him cutting back on his ridiculous hours in the gym we actually had time to eat lunch together over the course of the week, and for the first time in my college life, I didn't return 'home' to my father on the weekend.  Instead, I stayed firmly wrapped in Eli's embrace at the hotel room that my grandmother had rented out for the whole week so that I could remain close to her, and while it was harder making it to classes on time than if I lived on campus without a car (ride-share had become my life saver), getting to know my grandmother had been worth the hike to school and work. 

I ended up spending all day Sunday with her and skipping classes and practice on Monday to spend more time with her, but it all came to an end Monday night when I had to show up for my first shift back since the whole blow up with my father. 

Eyes tracked me as I strode across campus, eyes that never would've given me a second glance just a week prior. 

It was finally Friday, however, and the results of the first audition for the showcase were about to be posted in the auditorium.  To say that the gawking student populace were the least of my worries was an understatement. 

The palm fronds swayed in a gentle breeze that ushered in the dry heated breeze that did nothing to cool the raging fire that was threatening to burn me up if I didn't calm down. 

Everything was riding on what was written on that piece of paper taped on a door.  My future in music, my future with this school, even my future with Eli, because if I didn't win that money, there was no way I could stay in Miami if he chose to finish out his college career there.  

My sandaled feet edged closer to the crowd gathered around jumping up and down and hugging each other, another smaller crowd in the distance consoling those who must not have made it. 

A few steps closer and I noticed Hazel's coppery red hair flouncing in the air, strands of it splaying across Leo's face as he held her while she jumped up and down that told me that she'd made the cut. 

I couldn't spot Bea until I grew closer to the paper, gently pushing through the thick crowd until finally her caramel skin and dark braided head was the only one directly in front of the list. 

"Well?  Did you make it?"

"Yeah, and Hazel."

My ears perked at her dejected tone. 

And then I searched the list for my name.  There was Hazel's, then Bea's, then a few of our classmates in drama, even Leo's.  But not mine. 

I double checked the list.  Triple checked it, then frantically scoured down it with my finger making sure I wasn't just missing it somehow.  I hadn't missed it.  It just wasn't there. 

"I'm sorry, but you didn't even want to do it until me and Hazel did, and it's not like you needed the money anyway since you're rich and your dad is so popular and-"

"Bea.  What are you saying?"

We were pushed out of the throng of students and gawkers, and Hazel and Leo found their way to us, on the outskirts of our conversation but still listening intently, hands intertwined. 

"I just...ugh!"  She threw her hands up in the air, face upturned towards the sunny cloudless sky. 

"You can have whatever you want, it's not like you needed the prize money like me or Hazel, or even Leo.  We don't have a backup plan.  You can just ask your dad for more money, right?"

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