Timeout - Eli

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***Warning- this is a very adult chapter. Continue at your own risk.***

Virginia was staring at me expectantly, a shiver dancing across her silky smooth skin as I pushed the sleeves of her black leather jacket off of her slender arms.

Bathed in dim honeyed light emanating from the lamps stationed on the end tables, Virginia Bruins was a vision, with lush pink swollen lips and wide brown eyes gazing at me with her lashes damn near to her brow bone, soft specks of shimmer radiating against her skin as her face moved through the light.

The soft notes of her perfume, sweet as cotton candy and grounded with vanilla pouring from her body enticing and drawing me in, turning my thoughts to putty just as I fell prey to her and everything that she was giving me.

Had she not forgiven me or understood my position when it came to Matthew, I didn't know what I would've done. In the short time that I've come to know her, she had very quickly dominated most of my thoughts, like nothing else belonged in my mind besides her and her soft dark brown curls, the color so vivid it held almost a blue tint to it in the grainy hotel room light.

Lingering and slow, my hands traced a pattern down her arms as our mouths moved together in a synchronization I'd never felt before in my life with anyone else. It was like she anticipated my every move before I acted, but she didn't see it coming when I pulled my mouth from hers and pushed her body onto the bed, hovering over her as my fingers pulled the hem of her tank top over her head and returning my mouth to her skin, only this time, I focused my efforts elsewhere.

Her bra was front enclosure, and I would've unclasped the damn thing with my teeth if it meant getting to her quicker, but the determined and rapturous look in her eyes was enough to force myself to slow down. This would (hopefully) be our first time, and I was going to do it right if it killed me.

Measured, calculated, my fingers deftly undid her bra and I sucked in a breath, even though I'd seen her bare chest before.

Tanned, caramel skin met my eyes, as did the rosy pink flesh of her puckered nipples that I immediately wanted to enclose my lips over and suck until she made that noise that caused my dick to twitch in my jeans, and so I did.

I pulled back to admire her, the gentle dips and swells of her curves, the flare of her hips before her skin disappeared into jeans of her own.

There was a distinctive freckle underneath her left breast, a brown birthmark above her right hip, shaped like a water splatter about the size of a quarter.

Her breathing was sharp and shallow, the taut lines of her stomach pulling in and leveling out the lines of her abs. She had an outie belly button.

I memorized every aspect of her skin, like it would be the very last time I'd ever be able to do so.

Suddenly, she lurched up and grabbed me around the waist, hands reaching frantically for my own shirt to be pulled off my body and I obliged, helping her chilled fingers ease the fabric over my head.

She left chills in her wake.

Dark curls tumbling over naked shoulders, she was everything I had ever dreamed of and more.

"Fucking perfect," I mumbled, staring at her with what I hoped was the love that I so clearly already felt for her, and I wondered if she could feel it, too, the emotion damn near spilling out of my mouth before I was ready to tell her.

And then she was scooting up towards the headboard, kicking off her heels as she did so and fixing me a stare that was half confident sly sex goddess, the other half innocent and shy novice in the bedroom, and the combination was damn near staggering.

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