Aquarium: Sean

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This is going to be that one scene in First Class, but instead of that bad attitude Barbie he talked to, it'll be you!

   Sean looked at the back of you head for what felt like the 700th time tonight. He was having an exceptionally hard time working up the courage to talk to you. Every time he thought he had the bravery, he would walk closer to you, then pivot and walk the direction he came. In the industry we call that 'bailing'. After the third time he bailed he decided to say 'screw it'. He took a deep breath and held it as he marched over to you and stood a comfortable distance away.
   You glanced at him, then turned you attention back to the clown fish that swam about in front of you. You were happy to be in the company of someone in the incredibly empty aquarium. You let out a content sigh and thought about weather or not you should say something to the cute boy standing next to you.
"Crazy, huh?" Your head snapped up to look at the boy next to you.
"What is?" You asked hoping he would continue what he was saying.
"You like fish, I like fish too. Maybe we should get a bite sometime and talk about it." You let out a small chuckle, but quickly stifled it when you saw his face drop.
"No no, I'm not laughing at you. It's just the fact you used the subject of fish to ask me out on a date." The boy cleared his throat.
"What about it?" You took a step closer to him.
"It was incredibly adorable. Ya know, one of those kinds of cutes that make you laugh." The boy nodded and looked to the fish then back at you nervously.
"So, is that a yes, or a no?" You thought for a moment.
"That is a yes. Also, we aren't going out 'sometime', we are going out now. Like right now. We are having an aquarium date." He smiled at you.
"But you don't even know my name." You let out a small scoff.
"Then let's fix that. My name is Y/n." You stuck your hand out for him to shake. He took it and introduced himself.
"I'm Sean and it's a pleasure to be on this date with you."

Erik and Charles stood on the shadows of the aquarium and listened to the conversation. Charles was ecstatic and Erik was annoyed.
"If we let them go on a date, we can't get the red head to join us!" Erik whisper shouted at Charles.
"Oh, on the contrary my friend, she's a mutant too. We have just scored ourselves a two for one deal!" Charles turned back and looked at Erik who just rolled his eyes.
"I'm not in the mood to follow two lovey dovey teens around all night." Erik crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Charles let out a breath.
"Let them do this, this is the closest thing they have to normal." He looked to the both of you as you laughed. "Especially after we get involved."

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