Lobster Rebellion Act: Hank

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No one really asked for this, but I thought the idea was funny. This is a prequel to "Worry: Hank" ya know, the chapter before this one, however, you don't have to read that one before this one.
Please pretend that Moira didn't have her memory wiped. I need her to be problematic!

   It had been 2 months since Erik ran off with Raven in a to-go box, and everyone was still a little depressed. Charles especially, but Moira especially not. She was quite happy that Erik was no longer in the picture, that way Charles could pay more attention to her.
   Moira planned a group dinner that included Alex, Sean, Charles, Hank, and yourself. But in all honesty, it was just a makeshift date with Charles and you DID NOT want to be there. You didn't want to be a a sea food restaurant that had unnecessarily high prices and a bill that the 6 of you had to split evenly, even though you, Hank, Sean, and Alex would share a singular breadstick, while Moira orders the 6 most expensive items on the menu!
   All of you waited in the lobby of the restaurant while Moira haggled the waiter about a place to sit. You sat down next to Hank on one of the red pleather couches and let out an exasperated breath.
   "Don't worry about it, we'll split something." Hank put his arm around your shoulders in reassurance.
   "Na, it's not that. I just really don't wanna be here. Or in Moira's presence in general. She's about as fun as a wet sock." Hank laughed.
   "Well, wet sock or not, we're here now, and there's no way out of it." He looked over at you to see you surveying the room. "But knowing you, you'll find a way." That's when you saw the lobster tank. Hank followed your gaze, to said tank, and bit back a knowing smirk.
   You stood up and walked over to the tank. You studied each lobster until you found the saddest looking one. The waiter looked at you quizzically and Moira snapped at him.
   "Don't mind her, she's just looking! Now, about that table." You rolled your eyes at Moira then went back to your lobster. The lobster looked at you sadly.
   "Don't worry little guy, I'll get you outta here." You proceeded to plunge your whole arm into the tank and carefully pulled out your lobster friend. You took the rubber bands off of his claws and set him on the floor. "BE FREE MY CRUSTACEAN SON!!!" Everyone turned their attention toward you.
   "Y/n, what are you doing?!" Just as Moira said that the chef walked out and grabbed you by the shoulder and walked you to the door. Before you walked out the door you shouted:
   "Getting out of your evening, Moira!" And just like that, you were out of Moira's group dinner and you didn't have to pay for her food.
   Moira heard an eruption of laughter from the mutants she brought with her. She put her hands on her hips and stomped her foot on the floor. She angrily picked up the lobster and waved it at them.
   "Does anyone else want to pull an unsavory stunt? Or are we going to act like the adults we are?!" She huffed and stomped again.
   "What's that supposed to mean, Moira?" Hank asked venomously. He was going to protect your honor no matter how many lobsters you set free.
   "Y/n is an unsavory, inappropriate excuse for an adult!" Hank stood up and marched over to Moira. He snatched the lobster out of her hand and held it to his chest.
   "You ma'am, are as pleasant as a used tissue." Hank turned on his heal and headed out the door with your lobster in hand. Moira turned back to the waiter in disbelief. The waiter smiled.
"Now that your party is smaller, we have a table that you can have." Moira snarled in frustration and the waiter smiled harder.
As Hank walked through the doors, he saw you sitting happily on the curb in the front of the restaurant. He joined you on the curb and looked at you.
"Moira said you were an unsavory, immature excuse for an adult." You nodded, but kept your gaze on the cars moving past on the other side of the parking lot, smile not fading in the least. "I said she was as pleasant as a used tissue." You laughed a little.
"And what, pray tell, made you do that?" You put your elbow on your knee and rested your head in your hand. Hank clicked his tongue in thought.
"She called you unsavory and immature." Hank felt something pull on his shirt collar. He looked down at the lobster that had a claw pinched on his collar. "I saved your crustacean son." You looked up at Hank and saw the lobster he was holding. You carefully took it from him and grinned.
"I think he's our crustacean son now." You rested your head on Hank's shoulder as you cradled you lobster. "Hank, how long do lobsters live?"
"Up to 100 years." You rubbed your face into his shoulder.
"I'm not emotionally prepared to live that long!" You groaned and Hank hummed in agreement.
"Wanna go to the beach this weekend? We can set our son free. He can find a lobster mate." You thought for a moment.
"Ya, that sounds good."

A/n: I hope you liked this! Luckily it was still funny when I typed it out, at least I found it funny. Have a wonderful day/ evening! ❤️🦞

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