Part 2

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A four by four foot one, to be precise.

So, when Daniel rolled off Jennifer after their twelfth fuck — and she, again, hadn't come— she cast a frustrated glance at her wardrobe while she worried that maybe she'd ruined herself with the toys. "Did you?" Daniel panted, resting one hand on her stomach and the other on his softened shaft. He peered at her with a hopeful grin, and Jennifer felt a new burn of colour washing aside the flush she'd earned from hours of fucking her new boyfriend.

"Well," she said, "not exactly."

"Damn." Daniel wedged himself against her. He was everything she sought in a bed buddy: his scent was pleasant, his eyes were warm, and his swimmer's body made her knickers wet the second she'd noticed the hip bones showing over his trunks. He was so delightful she mentally kicked herself for the hours of howling orgasms she couldn't seem to have.

"Yeah. Kind of weird," she muttered. Jennifer pressed her lips on his — damn, he could kiss — but her body throbbed with hornier aspirations. "Did you?" Daniel panted, resting one hand on her stomach and the other on his softened shaft. He peered at her with a hopeful grin, and Jennifer felt a new burn of colour washing aside the flush she'd earned from hours of fucking her new boyfriend.

"Well," she said, "not exactly."

"Damn." Daniel wedged himself against her. He was everything she sought in a bed buddy: his scent was pleasant, his eyes were warm, and his swimmer's body made her knickers wet the second she'd noticed the hip bones showing over his trunks. He was so delightful she mentally kicked herself for the hours of howling orgasms she couldn't seem to have.

"Yeah. Kind of weird," she muttered. Jennifer pressed her lips on his — damn, he could kiss — but her body throbbed with hornier aspirations.

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